Business South June 2021
| 99 LIFESTYLE Qestral Corporation- Coastal View Lifestyle Village Qestral Corporation’s Coastal View Lifestyle Village is entering the next stages of its construction journey. Proud to provide landscape solutions for Qestral Corporation An emphasis on people, relationships and a strong solutions focus has been at the heart of Morgan & Pollard landscape’s successful operation over the last ifty years. Founded by Roger Pollard and Alan Morgan, who saw an opportunity for a professional landscape company, the company is now in the nurturing hands of Roger’s son Adam. Since buying his father out ifteen years ago, the company has continued to enjoy signi icant organic growth and now employs ive full time landscape architects to keep up with demand. “We have a wonderful relationships with our existing clients and as they have grown we’ve grown with them,” says Adam. “That has also resulted in a lot of referral work. In total we employ a team of sixty skilled and trained sta .” Adam says it can be very hard to ind good quali ied sta and training people from scratch can often be the best solution. “It’s a really rewarding job. Some of the things we build are really pretty cool.” Morgan & Pollard’s main business is in Christchurch, but also has a satellite branch in Nelson with a team of ten sta . “We operate throughout the South Island and we’re currently developing plans to support one of our clients who is doing development work in the North Island. Our customer base ranges from people who want their lawns mown through to multi-million dollar rest Landscape needs covered homes, developments and subdivisions.” To provide its diverse customer base with a comprehensive range of services, Morgan & Pollard has established four complementary divisions: A Nursery, Landscape Architecture, Landscape Construction, and Landscape Maintenance. “Landscape construction can include anything from drives, concrete paths, retaining walls, soft landscaping, irrigation and lighting. Our maintenance business is very much horticulture based doing everything from looking after malls through to hedges and lawns in properties. We’re very de initely a solutions based business — solving our clients landscape problems and creating unique and liveable spaces. It’s about providing people with a good service and what they want.” Morgan & Pollard has been working with Qestral on their retirement villages for the last twelve years and most recently working on Qestral’s Coastal View Lifestyle Village in Nelson. We’ve been involved in that project right from the start working with the architects and engineers to design the landscapes, then carrying on to build them and we will maintain them as well. Qestral trust us to come up with solutions in the most economical and practical way, giving people the best outcome.” SHAPING THE LANDSCAPE FOR OVER 50 YEARS 308 Trents Rd. Prebbleton Christchurch +64 3 349 8228