Business South June 2024

| 19 ADL Properties ADL Properties focuses on renovations – heritage or other – “as they provide a variety of styles to the tenants and features/locations that may not be present in a new build”, says general manager Matt Barnes. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT For domestic Plumbing and Gas fitting needs along with Solar and Hot water heatpumps Call 03 425 9670 or visit Plumbing and Gas Servicing the local Dunedin area from Taieri Mouth to Waikouaiti. Proudly supporting ADL Properties HEAT PUMPS AIR CONDITIONING VENTILATION BUILDING COMPLIANCE Office & Showroom: 225 Hillside Road, Dunedin HEATING AND AIRCONDITIONING SERVICES LTD 03 456 0200 GROUNDS ELECTRICAL Pleased to provide electrical solutions and installation for ADL Properties project. DOMEST I C & COMMERC I AL I NSTAL LAT I ONS DATA CABLING | HEATPUMPS | EMERGENCY LIGHTING SYSTEMS We e n j o y wo r k i n g o n h e r i t a g e b u i l d i n g s . I F I T I S N ’ T D O N E R I G H T , I T S H O U L D B E P h o n e 0 2 9 4 2 7 2 4 4 4 | E m a i l g r o u n d s e l e c t r i c a l @ x t r a . c o . n z