Business South March 2021
Improving productivity with Intent Intent Group Ltd is New Zealand’s leading operational consultancy, working with business leaders throughout the country to implement and execute business strategies that are aligned with best practices, ensuring sustainable and enduring results. Founded in 2003, Intent has expanded organically through word-of-mouth and a solid reputation for helping its clients achieve world-class performance. With branches in Christchurch and Auckland along with representation inWaikato, Hamilton, Wellington, Hawkes Bay, Tauranga and Taranaki, Intent Group has both capacity and capability to support businesses the depth and breadth of the country. Founding Director Ian Walsh says Intent has worked with a diverse range of over 200 organisations, improving their manufacturing and supply chain operations. Industry sectors include Dairy, Food and Beverage, Agriculture, Horticulture, Seafood, Meat and Poultry, FMCG, Construction, Plastics, Engineering, General Manufacturing, and Packaging. Helping businesses improve productivity, with increases in excess of 100% not uncommon, Intent shuns the model of report writing alone. “We ind success working with business leaders and workers to e ect business improvement practices,” says Ian. “We improve quality; compliance; reduce costs and wastes; implement sustainability and carbon zero approaches; optimise the customers supply chain to deliver best cost customer service, while also improving the health and safety outcomes for all stakeholders.” Intent helps clients achieve peak performance through better processes and systems implemented with their leaders to develop internal capability, ensuring knowledge transfer and sustainability of all improvements made. For the last seven years Intent has worked with Westland Milk Products helping it achieve multi-million dollar cost savings through reduced losses, better process control, better systems and resolving a number of intransigent problems. Initiatives have included daily department meetings to review performance and escalate signi icant problems; leading edge dryer control; better moisture control in casein; improved reliability and product loss monitoring with a number of improvements to these systems. “We’ve developed and helped execute their asset care strategy, developed processes and procedures for infant nutritional ingredient wet mix planning, customer speci ication and regulatory compliance and control. We have developed the training and capability development for the people and identi ied a large number of opportunities for improved supply chain performance at reduced cost.” Re lecting upon Intent’s success over the last two decades, Ian says irstly it is about working with the businesses to deliver outstanding outcomes giving signi icant return on investment with 10:1 not uncommon and signi icantly more than that over a program. “This demonstrates to businesses that they are employing the right processes and these bene its will keep on accruing.” Working collaboratively with clients to adopt global best practices adapted for each organisation’s unique culture and environment is another key measure of success. But most importantly, Ian says it is the people who work for Intent that make the di erence, both to Intent and to the businesses they serve day-to-day in the ield. “We work hard to develop internal capability to ensure knowledge transference and sustainability so that we develop enduring relationships with clients and are seen as partners in their journey to world class.” Would you like your transform your business performance? Call Intent: 09 523 0366 or email