Business South March 2021

| 39 DAIRY INDUSTRY Westland Milk Products The West Coast’s rugged geographical features dictated that an underground pipeline discharging to sea was the best solution. Optimised sealing solutions for maximised reliability For dairy process equipment Over 25 years of sealing experience in the dairy industry within Australasia. EAGLEBURGMANN AUSTRALASIA PTY LTD New Zealand: TEL +64 9 448 5001 Proud to be a supplier to Westland Milk Products To ind out how Kotahi can support your business contact us on 027 700 7330 HELPING OUR CUSTOMERS TO FIND THEIR EDGE. IT’S A COMMITMENT WE SHARE. When you’re exporting to over 40 countries, you need a supply chain solutions partner with experience managing the unique challenges of New Zealand’s primary exports. Kotahi works with industry partners to create a sustainable, adaptable supply chain that cares for our customers’ cargo. That’s why Westland entrusts Kotahi to manage its cargo worldwide. TRACTA_KOT63693_NZ_WL_BS