Business South March 2021
Contact — | Australia +61(3) 9008 7826 | New Zealand +64 (9) 973 5536 | email sorted 001467 Blueprint Half Page Ad.pdf 1 19/02/21 4:50 PM Building enduring relationships Founded in 2007 by ex-pat Kiwi Chris Stavre , Melbourne based logistics and supply chain specialist Blueprint Global (BPG) has evolved as a global leader in intermodal logistics o ering its customers seamless end-to-end solutions. With over thirty years in the industry that he is profoundly passionate about, Chris says his company’s success has been about building enduring relationships with its customers and developing a deep understanding about their products and the markets they aspire to trade in. “It’s also about giving our clients access to very senior level decision-making skills. I’m not a CEO who secures business and walks away — we stand shoulder-to-shoulder in good times and bad. We have a team of highly skilled and talented individuals that embrace the vision and take exceptional pride in delivering the highest quality in services. BPG’s success is underpinned by their commitment.” Established at the start of the Global Financial Crisis, BPG has grown expanding into New Zealand, Singapore, Canada and USA with a network of stand-alone business entities strongly orientated on client import and export business opportunities o ering bespoke service. “In essence, BPG brings together the best in practice across all intermodal logistics,” says Chris. “Our purpose is to bring a balance to individual parts making them whole and uniform in nature, ultimately providing customers with a greater level of understanding and a successful conclusion that exceeds expectations.” An innovative company BPG aims to revolutionise supply chains from ‘cost centres’ into e icient ‘revenue centres’ for its customers by rede ining the end-to-end cargo lows within the supply chain and improving connectivity between transport nodes. BPG has the scale and core capability across the export, import and domestic function that allow it to deploy and execute a robust supply chain utilising its 3PL vendors, through seamless integration. “We trim away processes and activities that don’t add value. We then leverage our scale, network and technology to o er our customers a fully outsourced 4PL integrated end-to-end freight management service — from the factory loor right through to their customers door.” Chris explains there are twelve touch points in the supply chain between buyer and seller. “Each touch point requires a very high level of understanding by way of supply chain management for a customer. That’s the end-to-end solution we o er to our customers and we smooth out the complexities in a dynamic schedule of services. Our customers like that we understand their trade activity and deliver product by way of service around their business that meets both buyer and seller expectation.” In the pursuit of smoothing out the complexities of international trade BPG has created a business entity for the purpose of acting as an independent importer or exporter of record and distributor both in New Zealand and in the USA. “This o ers a low Capex entry into, international markets, enabling our clients to test the waters without major investment into those foreign markets. BPG navigates through the barriers of entry and the geo-political complexities of doing business utilising iscal representation. This emphasizes the collaborative relationship we have with our customers.”