Business South March 2024

| 27 Southland: Richard Affleck Building Ltd A talented team of five builders and collaboration with local architects and subcontractors has been a cornerstone of success, says Richard Affleck. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Contact us NOW for FREE QUOTES throughout Southland Call James on 021 929 916 or 021 929 916 www. a i t ken j o i ner y. co. nz Gore: (03) 208 6750 - 18 Gor ton St Cromwel l : (03) 445 4000 - 54 McNulty Rd Dunedin: (03) 244 8271 - 19b Por tsmouth Dr Wanaka: 21 Reece Cr Suppliers of Vantage Aluminium & Klima UPVC Windows and Doors A I T K E N J O I N E R Y L T D