03 348 3366 info@topa.co.nz LARGE ENOUGH TO DELIVER, SMALL ENOUGH TO CARE With strong connections to many of Christchurch’s residential builders and building companies like Kevler Homes, Topa Electrical has placed a strong emphasis on its commitment to continuous improvement and sustainable business practices. Founded in 2012 by husband-and-wife team Jeff Zhao and Nancy Wang, Topa Electrical has progressively evolved from a home garage-based business, to a team of twelve and growing, operating from its Wigram based of ce, warehouse and showroom, with eight vans on the road. “Our growth has been a direct result of becoming better at what we do on a daily basis,” says Nancy. “We also place very strong emphasis on our people, our systems and technology, and that’s all part of our focus on sustainability. When people talk about sustainability they tend to think about green renewable resources, like solar, but it’s so much more than that. It’s the systems and continuous improvement that make a business sustainable and enduring.” Nancy acknowledges that she and Jeff were early adopters of technology. She says Investing in job management systems have created a lot of ef ciency. “All the jobs that we’ve completed since 2012 are saved on the cloud, so that we have ready access to them at any point. If we’re called out to fault- nd in a home that we wired years ago, our team have a complete record of that which makes it so much more ef cient. All our vans are GPS tracked, and that enables work to be scheduled very ef ciently.” Learning from his own experience as an apprentice electrician, Jeff ensures that apprentices completing their training with Topa Electrical have a ful lling experience, feel respected throughout their journey, and grow with the business. “Electricians who come on board with us as apprentices become quali ed very quickly, with our very structured training programme,” explains Jeff. “We focus on providing a comprehensive programme, so they know what they are going to be doing. We provide them with constant performance feedback, celebrate their successes, and pay them based upon their capability. This is all about sustainability of your most precious resource; your people.” Jeff says Topa Electrical’s key competitive advantage is that it is a new home electrical specialist, with strong relationships with Christchurch residential construction community. “Clients can visit our fully equipped showroom and physically touch and see what they are getting in their new home, as well as the technology and automations available. That’s all about showing people how they can bring ef ciency into their own lives through technology. We sit down with the client and design their electrical system, providing them with a pictorial plan, so there are no surprises in terms of what they’re getting or the budget. We use our experience to talk about their current and future needs, so that everything can be considered in their plan; again so there are no surprises. The plan has a photo description and itemised pricing and the plan can be easily adjusted to suit budget and need.” Nancy adds that Topa Electrical always makes its of ce available to builders who may not have their own of ce for client meetings. “That creates professionalism for the builder. It’s trying to do the best thing for the whole industry.” Strong Connections at Topa Electrical • Top Quality Work • Exceptional Service • On Schedule • Within Budget Proudly supports Kevler Homes