Business South November 2021

22 | T to page 24 REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Overdue upgrade for Waipori lines T Russell Fredric Aurora Energy: Waipori Line Upgrade A urora Energy’s Waipori line upgrade is one of several major infrastructure projects either recently completed or in progress. A wholly owned subsidiary of Dunedin City Holdings, Aurora Energy is New Zealand’s sev- enth largest electricity network by customer connections, supplying electricity to 91,000 homes, farms and businesses in Dunedin, Central Otago and Queenstown Lakes. The Waipori line upgrade project was fo- cused on replacing a 10.8 km stretch of 33, 11 and 6.6 kV lines and older wooden poles on what is known as the B line between Berwick and Outram. Mark Pratt, general manager work program- ming and delivery, says the upgrade began in early February. “It included enabling works to ensure con- tinuous supply of power to customers whilst removing the old B line, as well as civil con- struction of pole foundations and installation of new infrastructure. “Construction of the main 33kV infrastruc- ture was completed and successfully commis- sioned at the end of April.” The poles and lines replaced are between the Outram zone substation, on Huntly Road and Maungatua Road, towards the Berwick zone substation. The Waipori hydro-electric scheme was built more than 100 years ago. “It was ground-breaking in its day and pow- ered the whole city of Dunedin.” The lines were installed in 1913 (C line in 1931) and some still have the original conductors and many original poles. Aurora Energy owns the Waipori A, B and C lines from Berwick to the Halfway Bush grid exit point. AVON INDUSTRIES LTD 31 Pipiwai Road, Kamo PO Box 27, Whangarei Ne Suppliers of Hot Dip Galvanised Pole Line Hardware to the Electrical Networks of New Zealand. Includes Eye Bolts, Arm Braces, Screw Anchors etc. w Zealand Ph: 64 9 435 1033 Fax: 64 9 435 2565 Email: Proud to support Aurora Energy ETEL Transformers, 550 Rosebank Road, Auckland p: + 64 9 820 6110 | e: w: