Business South November 2021
80 | Taking the stress out of quake repairs T from page 78 A newly-completed renovation has brought this house to life (top). The house before work commenced (below). Christchurch: Wrightway Construction BUILDING “Our business has evolved to meet the chang- ing property and insurance markets in Canter- bury. We have found more and more home owners are approaching us directly when they have cash-settled their claims and are looking for a company that truly understands the earthquake repair process, and can support them through it. Others just want to move on, and in this case, we are open to purchasing properties AS-IS to facilitate this.” In a market that may, at first, appear to be continually decreasing, Wrightway Con- struction is as busy as any other firm in the construction game. When it comes to getting any new staff out- side of its core of 30 they’re still hard to find, so Wrightway Construction is creating the new skillset with eight to nine apprentices on the team at any one time. Hamish says he and the team are working hard to train their apprentices, who get their skills-based training regularly. While there isn’t a broad range of skills for an apprentice to practise at Wrightway Construction, the skill set developed at Wrightway Construction revolves around repair, which means that skills learned here will be applicable carried forward. As long as there are repairs required, these skills will benefit staff. Wrightway is also pursuing work in the new homes market, with the option of rebuilding certain damaged homes being presented with the On-Sold Programme. If the option to rebuild is presented to a cli- ent, we work closely with them to facilitate the design, demolition, rebuilding and completion of their property. Regardless of the situation you are in, when it comes to sorting out your earthquake dam- aged home, Wrightway Construction has the team, technical skills and the experience to get the job done, the Wrightway. TheRoyal Flush… Starting a new build or need repairs? Ph: 0800 FLOWING (356 946) | There’s nothing the team can’t do when it comes to drainage. Avoid costly mistakes and time delays by engaging the team at MHR Drainage. We’re your local drainage expert. Call Now! JUST BOBCATS (2016) LTD P 027 626 2228 E Specialising in residential excavation and concrete placing ASBESTOS REMOVAL METH DECONTAMINATION MOULD REMOVAL AUCKLAND | CHRISTCHURCH | BOP | WELLINGTON CONTACT US: 0800 757 511 | INFO@BRSL.CO.NZ | WWW.BRSL.CO.NZ ASBESTOS REMOVAL METH DECONTAMINATION MOULD REMEDIATION