Business South November 2022

| 17 Cardinal Logistics: Waterloo Business Park REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Further growth for Cardinal’s Christchurch operation is forecast in line with the company’s national growth. Above, Cardinal’s Drury operation in Auckland is now under construction - the 60,000-pallet warehouse will incorporate an ASRS - automated storage and retrieval system. - Returnable pooling equipment supplier centered around sustainability and partnering with our customers in the FMCG industry. - Loscam is a key supplier of NZ standard pallets into both Foodstuffs and Woolworths DC and their store networks. - Providing service continuity in both North and South Island grocery chains and local manufacturing for over the last 12 months. - Primary service centres based in Auckland and Christchurch with 16 depots throughout New Zealand. - Local sales and customer service support team in Christchurch. Loscam (New Zealand) Limited Email customer service: LOSCAM (NEW ZEALAND) LIMITED Bringing choice to New Zealand for pallet rental Direct Line: 0800 567 226