Business South November 2022

| 35 Prime Range has a committed, loyal farmer supply base who are paid on a competitive schedule, while the company works hard to meet its pre-arranged processing dates. Southland: Prime Range Meats REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT 03 684 9118 • d e s i g n / i n s t a l l / s e r v i c e / m a i n t e n a n c e PROUD TO SUPPORT PRIME RANGE MEATS P R O U D S U P P L I E R O F L A B E L S & P R I N T I N G T O P R I M E R A N G E M E A T S Cnr Kelvin & Yarrow Streets • PH 03 214 4045 • • McDowall Print Congratulations on being a Major finalist in the Southland Business Awards D E S I G N • D I G I T A L • P R I N T I N G • L A B E L S Proudly supporting Prime Range Meats There are wider benefits, as full-time, stable employment coupled with a supportive workplace culture is important to the financial security and well-being of families in addition to the contribution made to the regional economy. Prime Range annually turns over $90 million of which $12 million goes to the local economy in wages; it is also a strong supporter of local businesses and contractors. The company exports to traditional markets such as China, the United States, Europe and South East Asia. Its online business, developed out of its wholesale/retail arm as a result of the first covid lockdown in 2020, has experienced steady growth. Prime Range has a committed, loyal farmer supply base who are paid on a competitive schedule, while the company works hard to meet its pre-arranged processing dates. “What we’ve managed to do in the last three or four year’s is we’ve had very little movement from those processing dates. We’ve pretty much stuck to those processing dates, I’d like to think 99% of the time so the farmers can make their on-farm arrangements, but in saying that, we will also be flexible depending on drought and weather conditions; we do still have the ability to move that around.”