Business South November 2022

4 | Buoyant Buller The Reefton Distillery uses locally sourced ingredients to craft boutique botanical gin that is exported internationally from page 3 REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Buller District Council The largest civil construction and maintenance company in the Buller District PROUDLY SERVING THE BULLER FOR MORE THAN 25 YEARS! • Site Works Including Carparks & Driveways • Civil Construction • Underground Services • Backcountry & Remote Construction Project • Project Management • Grader Hire • Septic Tank Cleaning • Crushed Metal Supply & Cartage • Roading • Car Parks • Driveways WestReef 100% owns and operates a modern fleet of plant and equipment. Our ownership and range of plant ensures WestReef remains well positioned for a wide range of project work. Our extensive range of plant and equipment allows us to work in a variety of environments and undertake any project with confidence and efficiency. CONTACT US 80 Russell Street, Westport | 03 788 9090 JOSEPHS.CO.NZ PEOPLE LED PROJECTS PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND QUANTITY SURVEYING PROUD TEAM SUPPORTING BULLER DISTRICT COUNCIL The Buller construction industry also remains strong. The June economic report indicates that while the number of non-residential consents softened by 12.7% since June 2021, this still places Buller significantly above the district’s long-term average. consents are up by 47.9% compared with the same 12-month period a year before. Buller and the West Coast region also recorded a solid increase in house values, being the highest in New Zealand. Buller is leading the West Coast districts with 37.8%, adding to the region’s overall growth of 33.7%. The average increase in house value in New Zealand was 9.6% over the last 12-months. While disasters such as the floods have had a negative impact, for many locals the silver lining is that they have also helped to generate jobs, says Mayor Jamie, with the temporary accommodation Alma Road village project, being built by Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE) to support residents in Westport following the flooding event in July 2021, nearing completion. It will enable people to remain in the community while homes are being repaired or rebuilt, or in the case of renters, until they find suitable alternative rental accommodation. The village provides safe, and warm longerterm housing for the flood affected community. The first 18 new two and three bedroom houses homes will be connected to essential services by the end of October and MBIE’s Temporary Accommodation Service (TAS) is working towards these homes being available for occupation from late November. The final two houses of twenty for the village will be delivered to the development once the pump station has arrived from Australia. There are also projects underway that will continue to mark Buller as a great place to visit. WestReef Services Ltd (WestReef), the largest civil construction and maintenance company in the Buller District, fully owned by Buller Holdings Ltd a Buller District Council controlled trading organisation, is involved in the construction of projects such as the Kawatiri Coastal Trail. The 50km trail is under construction and is employing approximately 30 people. The trail has opened in stages with 20 kilometres already opened and the remainder due for completion late 2023. Mayor Jamie says that the Kawatiri Coastal Trail is expected to generate significant economic activity for the region. He says that initiatives, such as Mayors Taskforce for Jobs (MTFJ), a nationwide network of New Zealand’s Mayors, working together towards the vision of all young people 16-25 engaged in employment, education, training, or other positive activity in their communities, have been important in stimulating the region and providing workers. The West Coast Pie Company has just opened a shop in Westport supported by Buller’s MTFJ program and took on four new staff. Covid-19 has also meant people have realised how easy it can be to work remotely, says Mayor Jamie, and businesses such as EPIC Kawatiri, an innovation hub in Westport is home to several small business including gaming company Ruby Play. “An affordable life and a great community are two key reasons people are moving to Buller,” says Mayor Jamie, “and we expect that trend to continue.” Photo: Nomad Audio and Video