6 | Laing Properties: Westport Accommodation Village REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Village project goes smoothly Karen Phelps • Plumbing • Gas • Drainage • Blocked Drains • Bathroom Alterations • Backflow Prevention • Camera Inspections RNR Plumbing Ltd plumbing | gas | drainage 021 980 650 0800 GO 4 RNR (0800 46 4 767) admin@rnrplumbing.co.nz www.rnrplumbing.co.nz HEALTH & SAFETY MADE SIMPLE RNR ElectricalSolutionsLtd Email admin@sharpesl.co.nz www.sharpesl.co.nz EXPERT NEW BUILD ELECTRICAL SERVICES New Housing, Renovations, Solar, Security Alarms Call Matt on 022 123 8170 or Garren on 022 123 8171 ~ CALL US NOW For all of your Longrun, Metal Tile and Rainwater Solutions www.metalcraftroofing.co.nz Tel: (03) 349 7350 • 0800 ROOF NZ Laing Properties is proud to be involved in the construction of relief homes for Westport residents affected by flooding. It has already delivered nine to the town’s Temporary Accommodation Village with another three due to be delivered shortly. Laing Properties managing director Myles Laing says that the advantages of prefab building were evident in this particular project. “Westport needed homes quickly and had they been built on site the timeframe would have been much longer. “By constructing the homes off-site we could deliver them carpeted, painted and with kitchens installed. We then just had to finish things like decks, steps and connections to services on site. “Because the project required a temporary zoning change, transportable homes were the best choice and will be easier to remove from the site further down the track if necessary,” says Myles. The project has also included a new access road and new cycle and walkway next to the existing road bridge to separate pedestrians and cyclists from vehicles along Alma Road. The project is part of Temporary Accommodation Service (TAS) funding, which provides for the building of the homes, connection of services, and landscaping, as well as the overseeing landlord, tenancy and property management operations. Myles says that what MBIE has achieved with the project is “pretty awesome”. Laing Properties delivered the first three completed homes in 20 weeks from being engaged by MBIE. This involved leasing additional commercial land in Christchurch for a six-month period to construct the project so as not to impact on its other clients’ projects. “We pre-designed and engineered the buildings, as the design had been preapproved by the client, so once we had a contract sign we could go swiftly submit plans to council for building consent. We’re very proud to be part of this project and help out those people in Westport affected by the flooding.” Myles’ parents Grant and Polly are founding owners of Laing Properties. Today the company is owned by the three of them along with Myles’ wife Lucinda. A team of nearly 40 staff is employed including its own team of house shifters. With over thirty years of experience the family owned and operated business focuses on working closely with clients to ensure the look, budget and final delivery is just right. Laing Properties offers entry level and architecturally designed ranges. And despite the build method being prefab the client can enjoy a high level of customisation if they desire, says Myles. “We listen to our clients and think outside the box. Every client is treated as an individual so they can customise their home to suit them.” A good example is a recent project at Lake Ohau, which saw the company deliver an 180sqm home to the site. Laing Properties can also build apartments using the Metrapanel system and traditional building methods. “We team with clients from the very early stages of their project and help them to solve problems from day one. We assist architects to maintain the integrity of their design within budget and we help developers optimize their investment by providing the best options to achieve their goals. For owners we deliver smart, practical buildings that do what they were designed to do,” explains Myles. Laing Properties has a busy workload going forward and has around 26,000sqm of land leased for the construction of pre-fabricated homes to meet demand. The temporary accommodation Alma Road village project is nearing completion. Photo: Buller District Council