Business South November 2022

| 79 Building to make dreams come true OUR SERVICES We provide a comprehensive range of general building services, including... NEWHOMES We can build your new home completely from scratch, or from plans you have already had drawn up. RENOVATIONS Whether it's adding on an extra bedroom, or putting on a second storey we can handle any size renovation. ALTERATIONS Does your current home, commercial or farm building need some impovements? We can take care of it. LIGHT COMMERCIAL We'll take care of your Light Commercial construction needs eg, factories, shops, units, and offices. DAIRY SHEDS Whether it's milking sheds, Wintering Barns, or any other dairy requirements, we have it covered. FARMBUILDINGS We have years of experience in all types of farm buildings, including storage, workshops & general purpose. Richard Stodart Building Ltd. was successfully established over 20 years ago by Richard Stodart and is now a team of four, with three quali ied builders and an apprentice. They operate out of Invercargill and build all over Southland as far a ield as Te Anau. Over the years Richard Stodart Building have worked across commercial, industrial, residential, garages, workshops and farm buildings big and small. They’re equally at home building a 200m x 50 m wintering shed as the soon to be completed, modern-industrial, Element Hardware’s workshop and showroom on the corner of Bill Richardson Drive. But it’s the residential builds that Richard enjoys the most. “We’ve built a lot of houses over the years and we’re a smaller team that really cares about the inished product. We enjoy all our work but that’s where our heart is,” says Richard. With years of experience building houses behind him when Richard looks at a design and knows the site it’s planned for he can envisage the building and is happy to o er suggestions that might be useful. “Just things over the years you pick up on because you’ve done it before, but they’re just suggestions. Everyone’s di erent so it depends what they’re after,” says Richard. Richard Stodart Building have long-standing relationships with local tradies and the local council which all helps streamline the building process. They’ll come on board with the project at any stage, but with his experience with the consenting process Richard is happy to help clients ine tune their plans before the irst consent is granted to avoid costly minor variations further down the track. Whatever the job they work closely with the client to achieve their goal, whether it’s a farm building or a well-appointed turnkey package destined to be someone’s much-loved home. “We love that it’s going to be someone’s dream come to life. It might be a project they’ve thought about for years and we get asked to build it, and get to see someone walk in and be happy as that their dream’s inally come true,” says Richard. 027 232 6620 or (03) 230 4887 276 Mill Road North, Invercargill