| 95 BUILDING Christchurch: RPC Construction Kelly Deeks Firm builds on impressive portfolio RPC has also delivered a beautiful new building for the Anglican Diocese of Christchurch and the Anglican parish of Avonside, with the new Holy Trinity Church completed before Christmas 2021. As a family-oriented business with a firm belief that family and children come first, Christchurch’s RPC Construction takes an earnest approach to the multitude of education projects it undertakes, and takes pride in its involvement in the enhancement of our children’s learning environments. “Our site foremen are fantastic at working in with education staff, parents, and pupils,” says RPC founder and director Russel Pitt. “While health and safety is paramount, and extra care is always taken around planning and coordinating all visits to site, we can actually involve the children by way of a viewing window, so they can see for themselves how the project is evolving.” RPC has had a heavy involvement with Rolleston Christian School as it continues to grow to accommodate a quickly expanding roll. Recent projects completed there include a new classroom block and an extension to the administration building, and RPC Construction is now adding decking to a new relocatable classroom, as well as an additional classroom new build. Another return client is St Patrick’s School Kaiapoi, where RPC Construction has been working throughout 2021 and 2022 to refurbish each classroom block. Work on the final block is now underway, and Years 5 and 6 are due to shift back into their block in Term 4, where they will enjoy refurbished classrooms, new bathrooms, and a great new kitchen. While RPC has a large involvement in school projects, it also specialises in new church builds and repairs on historic churches. St Paul’s Church at Glenmark-Waikari was built in 1906 and was badly damaged in the Christchurch earthquakes. F or almost a decade it sat damaged while the dedicated “Friends of Glenmark” undertook a a huge fundraising effort for its repair. RPC Construction has been on site since late 2020, repairing and earthquake strengthening the Category Two heritage building. This is due for completion by Christmas 2022. Russel says this is an interesting project, and because of the age and the instability of the church, RPC had to do some very careful deconstruction to allow it to re-construct the building. RPC has also delivered a beautiful new building for the Anglican Diocese of Christchurch and the Anglican parish of Avonside, with the new Holy Trinity Church completed before Christmas 2021. This new build replaces the first Anglican Church in Canterbury to be consecrated, built in 1855 then destroyed by the Christchurch earthquakes in 2011. Another interesting project for RPC, this new building is placed in the centre of an historic graveyard, with part of the building extending to within 100mm of a grave. “With some very careful scanning of the ground, no graves were disturbed,” Russel says. “This was also a contaminated site, so as well as using ground penetrating radar on this project, we also had a detailed site investigation and removal of contaminated soil to the relevant dumping ground. “These aren’t things we do every day, and it was a very interesting exercise.” All of these clients have been lovely, honest people for RPC to deal with, everything the company looks for in a client and in turn, RPC aims to be everything they want in a contractor. “When everyone behaves nicer to each other, it’s a much nicer world,” Russel says. “Our site foremen are fantastic at working in with education staff, parents, and pupils.” Roofing &Wall Cladding Specialists www.wmr.co.nz | 03 359 7973 | info@wmr.co.nz Proudly supporting RPC Construction. Labour only contracts - Full workers contract - Design build Paul Caddick 0276 227 666 | pcaddick@xtra.co.nz 0800BESTWINDOWS info@fairviewconcepts.co.nz www.fairviewconcepts