Business South October 2023

106 | HealthCentral - Breen Construction T T Richard Loader Range of health services under one roof HealthCentral’s purpose-built facility in Alexandra is due for completion in mid-2024. COMMUNITY HealthCentral’s purpose-built and modern health facility is currently under construction in Alexandra that will bring together a range of health services under the one roof, thoughtfully designed and developed by Medispace for patient benefit and convenience. Targeting a mid-2024 completion date, the new facility will become a primary health medical hub, comprised of HealthCentral’s general practice, an embedded physiotherapy practice, plus a co-located pharmacy that includes dispensary and retail. Space has been reserved for a specialist tenancy, which could be utilised as a dentistry, audiology or imaging. There is even provision for a small café. Located in Tarbert Street, on a 2000sqm site previously occupied by a Z energy petrol station, the two-storey building will replace HealthCentral’s current premises a few doors down. HealthCentral will occupy three quarters of the new building. Formed in 2019 as a general practice following the merger of three small medical practices, HealthCentral partnered with specialist health property development company Medispace, to initially explore options for upgrading the existing premises. A Medispace spokesperson/director says that as independent consultants with experience and understanding about how medical buildings function as a practice, Medispace’s recommendation was that consideration be given to a whole new purpose-built medical hub that would better suit the community needs, rather than attempt to upgrade the existing and very busy facility. “The premises had already been renovated in 2010, and in our view further renovation was unlikely to provide any real benefit to the practice or patients. There’s considerable challenge involved in upgrading an existing medical practice while it is still functioning as a practice, including decanting from one area to another within the same building or to another building, while retaining a high level of patient care.” As a solutions orientated organisation Medispace specialises in developing outof-the-box options to meet challenges, and the preferred option became building a new purpose designed and built practice, while also attracting a range of health professionals to share the premises. “We bring a different approach to architecture and interiors, than the functional based layout of a ‘traditional’ health centre,” says the spokesperson. “The building has a footprint of 740sqm, with a total floor area of 1508sqm. HealthCentral’s practice will also include two procedure rooms where minor surgeries can be undertaken that might require local anaesthetic. Like most medical centres there is a designated space for an ambulance. “:We have made good use of the land, developing a two-level building with carparking and drive in/drive out on adjacent streets. The new purpose-built facility will deliver visibility within Alexandra, and efficiencies bringing together a range of health services.” Like other projects completed throughout the country since its foundation in 2014, Medispace’s role in the HealthCentral project is both facility designer and developer, while partnering with an investor for project funding. “Investment group Mackersy Property saw HealthCentral as a good complement to its existing investment portfolio,” says the spokesperson. “This is a complex and significant project, encompassing a two-level commercial building, constructed to a very high level of quality and Alexandra based Breen Construction was PARTNERTO PROUDSUPPLY BREEN CONSTRUCTION PLACEMAKERS CENTRAL OTAGO | ALEXANDRA, CROMWELL & QUEENSTOWN 1