Business South October 2023

| 21 Southland: Higgins Group - Kaiwera Downs Wind Farm Higgins work at Kaiwera Downs involved excavating 170,000 cubic metres of earth to lay concrete foundations for 10 wind turbines as well as upgrading and providing road access to and around the site, with its part of the contract valued at $17 million, completed over 10 months. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Phone: 03 983 5500 Your Business, Your Industry, Your News. DO OUR READERS KNOW YOU EXIST? 51 SpittlesWay, PO Box 255, Gore Ph. 03 208 6799 / M. 0274 889 834 E. Proudly supporting Higgins Contractors TRANSPORT & GENERAL ENGINEERING Mobile Hydraulic Hose Repair Service 13 Waiau Street, Gore | Ph: 03 208 1773 | Mobile: 027 615 7719 David Stiven 021 920 404 Taura hono tangata, taura here whenua When land connects us Definition Surveying is a team of specialist surveyors based in the Hawke’s Bay, Bay of Plenty and Southland. David, one of our Licenced Cadastral Surveyors grew up in Southland. He has moved home and is now getting involved in more local projects. Thinking of a project? Get in touch to see how we can help. Topographical Surveying Subdivisions Boundary Identifications Planning & Resource Management Aerial Photography & Farm Mapping