Business South October 2023

32 | Ramping up on the Coast Employing and developing local roading operators has also been a key focus for Isaac Construction. Isaac Construction T T Richard Loader CONTRACTING Following a competitive tender process, Isaac Construction was awarded the Grey District Council’s (GDC) Roading Network Maintenance Contract early in May this year. The contact is for a three-year term, with an opportunity for two two-year extension periods, providing a maximum of seven years, and requires the roading and civil contractor to maintain GDC’s assets in the roading network, boundary to boundary. The GDC region stretches from the Ikamatua Bridge (between Greymouth and Reefton) south to the Taramakau Bridge (just before the Kumara Junction), follows the Taramakau River all the way up to Jacksons (towards Otira), and inland taking in Lake Brunner / Moana. The region includes Greymouth township, and the settlements of Cobden, Kaiata, Runanga, Blackball, Ngahere, Barrytown, Taylorville, Dobson, Ahaura, and Moana. Contract scope includes the maintenance of 391 kilometres of sealed road, 256 kilometres of unsealed road, 209 bridges, 106 kilometres of footpaths and thousands of culverts, along with road signs, drainage, and road markings. Maintenance Contracts Manager Stephen Arthur says winning the GDC contract is the first time that Isaac Construction has been in the role of lead contractor on a roading maintenance contract, and it presents a wonderful opportunity to work within the local community, for the local community. “Previously we’ve always been in the role of subcontractor, so being awarded the contract is significant from that point of view. Our focus is to provide a high standard of workmanship, be professional and courteous and prove that we are worthy of being awarded the contract by the Grey District Council. “It has been really important for us to have our Isaac Construction branding out there so that we are visible to the community in which we are operating. Continuing to develop a positive relationship with the GDC is also critical to our success, both in this contract, and other contracts that we may be able to work with the Council on.” Employing and developing local roading operators has also been a key focus for Isaac Construction, whose roots are as a Christchurch based roading and civil contractor established in the 1950s. “Ultimately there will be fourteen locally employed staff involved, the majority of whom are fresh to the contract, and predominantly in operational roles. Isaac Construction invests heavily in its staff training. We want our operators to have all the correct licences including wheel, tracks, rollers and Class 4 HT. For those who didn’t have those licenses we have put them through training. Other development opportunities available through Isaac Construction include Civil Trade Certificates and Diplomas, as well as engineering degrees.” In addition to employing local staff, Stephen says purchasing materials, plant or other resources locally has been part of Isaac Construction’s policy of local investment. “That local investment helps to build important and lasting relationships with local suppliers and providers. It also means that repairs and maintenance of plant and machinery can be handled locally and efficiently. “The contract is still quite new, and there will be further local investment as we get into the contract. Community engagement is also important and our team will be providing free traffic management for the annual Greymouth motorcycle street race held over Labour weekend.” Isaac Construction first established its West Coast presence three years ago with the purchase of Liddell Contracting, a well-established Greymouth business that has vast experience in bridge building and engineering. Isaac construction and Liddell Contracting now have a combined office sited on Liddell Contracting’s yard in Greymouth. “With our broad experience in roading and civil contracting, complemented by Liddell’s bridge building experience, Isaac brings significant experience to the GDC Maintenance Contract. “We have a very broad base of plant and equipment, and the labour skill set to deliver on a contract like this. We also bring a conservation focus to the region. Isaac Construction is owned by The Isaac Conservation & Wildlife Trust and they partner with DOC, breeding and raising five species of endangered birds, some of which are even released right here on the West Coast.” WEST COAST AG CONTRACTORS LTD – Dwayne: 027 299 8887 PROUD TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH ISAAC CONSTRUCTION LTD 027 4310 461 OR 03 755 8448 • Engineering & Mining Equipment • Power & Handtools • Bolts & Nuts • Welding Plant & Supplies • Abrasives • Generators & Compressors • Protective Paints • Trailer Equipment • Fishing & Marine Supplies • Caltex Lubricant Distributor 10 Boundary Street, PO Box 100, Greymouth Em: or Ph: (03) 768 5720 Cell: 027 471 7272