Volume 33 | Issue 7 | October 2024 www.waterfordpress.co.nz Family values fuel growth Independent fuel retailer NPD has entered a new era of growth with Barry Sheridan at the helm… Page 10
2 | Contents 66| Mike’s magic Mike Downs Contracting is celebrating a quartercentury of growth, adaptation, and community-focus. 54| Opportunity knocks The SOREC academy is dedicated to exposing young people to the wide range of career opportunities in the engineering sector in the south. 130| Ultimate lifestyle The Ultimate Group is well underway with its latest stunning project - Harlow Lifestyle Rangiora. 54 130 66 These conditions are prescribed for the sake of understanding between the Company and its clients. Advertising is charged for on the basis of space taken up using a standard tabloid page. Actual space may be reduced during the printing process but this will effect all advertisers equally so no credit will be given for any reduction in size due to processing. The Company reserves the right to alter, change or omit entirely any advertisement or article that it considers to be objectionable or which may contravene any law. 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Business South accepts no responsibilty for loss of photos or manuscripts. #businesssouth #yourstory www.waterfordpress.co.nz Kotahi Engineering Studio ��������������������������������������������������������03 Contact Energy ���������������������������������������������������������������������������04 Hunter Civil ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������06 Cooper Developments ��������������������������������������������������������������08 NPD Limited ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������10 Tinshed Aviation �������������������������������������������������������������������������14 Central Otago District Council �������������������������������������������������17 Wakatipu Transport Alliance ����������������������������������������������������18 BestStart Educare ����������������������������������������������������������������������21 Southpark Corp ��������������������������������������������������������������������������22 Specialised Structures Tasman ������������������������������������������������24 Hurunui District Council ������������������������������������������������������������25 Bathurst Resources �������������������������������������������������������������������26 Westland Mineral Sands �����������������������������������������������������������29 Direct Logistics ���������������������������������������������������������������������������32 Icon Logistics ������������������������������������������������������������������������������34 Metalon ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������36 Carey’s Bay Marine Services �����������������������������������������������������37 Fonterra Edendale ���������������������������������������������������������������������38 Echodale Orchard ����������������������������������������������������������������������40 Ajax Building Contractors ���������������������������������������������������������42 Four Square Te Anau �����������������������������������������������������������������44 Flagstaff Dunedin �����������������������������������������������������������������������45 Isaac Construction ���������������������������������������������������������������������46 KB Contractors ���������������������������������������������������������������������������50 Timaru Construction ������������������������������������������������������������������51 AdvanceQuip ������������������������������������������������������������������������������52 SOREC ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������54 Site Weld NZ �������������������������������������������������������������������������������54 Todd Engineering �����������������������������������������������������������������������55 Precision Profile �������������������������������������������������������������������������56 Cen Eng Ltd ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������58 Bearing & Engineering Technologies ���������������������������������������59 Dunedin Sheet Metals ���������������������������������������������������������������60 Anvil Engineers ���������������������������������������������������������������������������61 Plunket Electrical Group ������������������������������������������������������������62 Stack Electrical ����������������������������������������������������������������������������65 Mike Downs Contracting �����������������������������������������������������������66 Anderson Fencing and Earthworks ������������������������������������������72 Southwater ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������74 Greenscapes �������������������������������������������������������������������������������76 Freeman Roofing �����������������������������������������������������������������������78 Hallmach 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O’Neill Architects �����������������������������������������92 SUR Architecture ������������������������������������������������������������������������93 Shaw & Shaw Architects ������������������������������������������������������������94 IKON Architects ��������������������������������������������������������������������������95 Active Design ������������������������������������������������������������������������������96 Virginia Barlow Architecture �����������������������������������������������������97 Eco Workshop ����������������������������������������������������������������������������98 Mopanui Studios ��������������������������������������������������������������������� 100 Marshall Developments ��������������������������������������������������������� 101 BA Building: ����������������������������������������������������������������������������� 102 G Ford Building ������������������������������������������������������������������������ 104 Tuakana Builders 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������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 124 Trent Builders �������������������������������������������������������������������������� 126 Burns Building ������������������������������������������������������������������������� 127 Sam Bradley Builders ������������������������������������������������������������� 128 Adams Construction ��������������������������������������������������������������� 129 Ultimate Group: ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 130 LJ Hooker Dunedin ������������������������������������������������������������������ 134 Click Property Management ������������������������������������������������� 136 Lincoln High School ���������������������������������������������������������������� 138 Greyhound Racing New Zealand ������������������������������������������ 139 OUR PARTNERS: Christchurch Office 112 Wrights Road, Addington, Christchurch Phone 03-983 5500 PO Box 37 346 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| 3 Kotahi Engineering Studio - Kilwinning Masonic Lodge T T Hugh de Lacy Lodge restoration an award winner The old Kilwinning Masonic Lodge is a Lyttleton icon. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT It was satisfying enough to have designed the refurbishment of its own head offices from a quake-ravaged historic building, but Lyttelton’s Kotahi Engineering Studio topped the project off by winning a Gold Award for it in this year’s Master Builders Federation’s Commercial Projects Awards. The old Kilwinning Masonic Lodge is a Lytttelton icon – formerly the home and studio of highly regarded artist Bill Hammond, who sold it to the principals of what became Kotahi Engineering in 2015 - though it suffered severe damage in the 2010-2011 Canterbury earthquakes, and was deemed unsafe thereafter. In 2022, Kotahi Engineering took on the task of restoring the handsome old structure and making it home. As well as its new premises in Lyttelton, Kotahi Engineering has offices in Blenheim and Napier, plus a presence in Wanaka, and all offices and their 25 staff work together on the structural and civil engineering projects that are its specialty. It has developed a special relationship with the wine and health industries, designing winery buildings and processes, and designing and overseeing the construction of such major projects as a new private hospital in Hawke’s Bay and the recently completed New World supermarket in Napier. The restoration of the heritage-listed Kilwinning Masonic Lodge as Kotahi Engineering’s home has been the signature project for the company. As well as ensuring the building can stand up to future earthquakes, the refurbishment required retaining key elements of the existing design and style, including the Masonic symbols emblazoned in and on the building, and improving its thermal performance while converting it to functional office space. A boardroom was installed on the ground floor of the two-storey building, with the professional workspaces on the top floor featuring spectacular views over Lyttelton Harbour. “Everyone was thrilled to win the Commercial Projects Gold Award: it was a huge undertaking for us but the pay-off is a beautiful building to work in,” Kotahi Engineering’s marketing manager, Jo Leabourn says. “The lodge started out in 1881 as a single-storey brick building that was severely damaged by fire in 1903, after which the classical facade was restored and a second weatherboard storey added. Bill Hammond bought the building in 2000 as his studio and residence, and, to improve the light in his studio, he installed windows on the side walls with panoramic views.” Kotahi Engineering removed sections of the walls and foundations to make way for new foundations and structural walls, and either re-installed or meticulously reconstructed the architectural features. Completed in May last year, the refurbishment included recreating the building’s original paintwork and colour scheme to emulate Oamaru stone. From its handsome home, Kotahi Engineering produces engineering designs for a range of major clients across the whole market spectrum, from high-end residential to large-scale commercial projects. Its spread of offices between the two main islands allows it take up projects throughout the country, with the company’s goal - “To be the premier engineers in New Zealand’s wine districts.” He Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Equipment Supply, Ice Banks, Water/Glycol Chillers, at Recovery Branches Nationwide Christchurch Support Office www.activerefrigeration.co.nz Email: info@activerefrig.co.nz Phone: (03) 339 2617 Energy Efficient Engineering, 24 Hour Service, Design Build, Preventative Maintenance, Supply & Installation Proud to support Kotahi Engineering Studio For all your plumbing needs, backed by 60 years of experience. PO Box 5488 Papanui, Christchurch murray@gbondltd.co.nz 027 488 0652 P L U M B E R S Representing Excellence Master Plumbers christchurch@teamarchitects.co.nz
4 | REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Contact Energy T T Richard Loader Powering up renewable generation The project will replace four of the eight existing turbines, with the first shipment of new components arriving at the dam in June. Contact Energy (Contact) is embarking on its first-ever turbine upgrade at the Roxburgh hydroelectric dam with a $30m-plus investment that will improve the dam’s efficiency and increase its average annual generation by 44 gigawatt hours (GWh), meaning more renewable power for Kiwi homes. The project will replace four of the eight existing turbines, with the first shipment of new components arriving at the dam on June 7, 2024. The new 28.5 tonne, 3.9m diameter stainless steel turbines were designed and manufactured using modern techniques by the German hydro- engineering manufacturer Voith Hydro, one of the world’s leading suppliers of hydroelectric equipment, technology, and services. “Roxburgh’s new turbines are more efficient than the original design, so we will get additional energy output for the same amount of water,” says Kirk Pritchard, acting head of projects and performance at Contact. “The increase in the station’s electricity generation is enough to power an extra 6000 homes.” The power station, based in Central Otago, was commissioned between 1956 and 1962, and still generates with the eight original Canadian-built turbines. The first four were installed between 1956 and 1957 and the second four between 1960 and 1961. “For 70 years in service, our existing turbines are still in a good, safe and useable condition, but they’re inefficient by today’s standards and ready to retire before wear and tear requires too much maintenance and increases the risk of failure,” says Kirk. Voith Hydro USA developed the new turbine hydraulic design, while the remaining design work, manufacturing, and project management is currently being undertaken by Voith Hydro’s India business unit. Voith Hydro has subcontracted New Zealand-based energy solutions provider MB Century to undertake the installation works, who together with Voith Hydro’s on-site technical experts, will install the four turbines back-toback over a two-year period. “The Roxburgh turbine upgrade project exemplifies Voith Hydro’s international teamwork, involving teams from Germany, India, New Zealand, and the USA, in collaboration with New Zealand-based subcontractors. This project signifies Voith Hydro’s commitment to the long-term development of hydropower in New Zealand,” says Nikhil Kumar, country manager of Voith Hydro’s subsidiary in New Zealand. Hydroelectric dams like Roxburgh play a big role in generating renewable energy in New Zealand, and the investment into the new turbines is part of Contact’s commitment to lead the decarbonisation of the country. “The update to Roxburgh will enable us to deliver more renewable energy and displace almost 20,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide emissions a year,” says Kirk. “The installation of the new turbines will benefit the local area too. As with any major upgrade to a power station, teams of contractors from around New Zealand, and sometimes further afield, are needed to help with the work. “This will be a great boost to the local economy with local contractors assisting on some activities, along with more workers from outside the region staying in accommodation and eating out over the next two years. The project is expected to be completed in May/ June 2026.” Risks and challenges are a constant companion for any major project, and Kirk points out that all the original drawings and plans completed mid last century were in imperial measurements, and the new equipment needs to be manufactured to very tight tolerances. Roxburgh is a concrete gravity dam that contains nearly half a million cubic metres of concrete weighing 1.5million tonnes. The power station currently has a capacity of 320MW and generates between 1400 and 1830 GWh per year; enough to power more than 250,000 homes. Proud to be Supporting the Contact Roxburgh Upgrades Project 20+ years bearing processing experience, On site spare bearing condition assessments, Common sense appraisals, On behalf F.A.T’s support, Interpreting NDT, Demystifying and sharing practical knowledge of these critical components. Delivering trusted assistance and education to Industry Kerry Tupp +64 (0)27 303 5747 Kerry.Tupp@wbss.co.nz MB Century is a leading provider of energy solutions, offering comprehensive life-cycle maintenance, refurbishment, and engineering services including condition assessments and feasibility studies. With operations across both the North and South Island, as well as internationally, we specialise in engineering and mechanical services for hydro, geothermal and hydrogen generation, in addition to industrial and water solutions. PROUDLY SUPPORTING VOITH & CONTACT ENERGY AND THE ROXBURGH POWER STATION UPGRADE 07 376 0422 info-NZ@mbcentury.com www.mbcentury.com
| 5 REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Contact Energy The new 28.5 tonne, 3.9m diameter stainless steel turbines were designed and manufactured using modern techniques by the German hydro- engineering manufacturer Voith Hydro. McNEILLY HEAVY HAULAGE We’re your one-stop-shop for building relocation, heavy haulage, pi loting and project management and proud members of the New Zealand Heavy Haulage Association. Located in Timaru and Dunedin, McNeilly Heavy Haulage offers building relocation across the South Island and heavy haulage nationwide. Get the job done right. Proudly supporting Contact Energy 027 489 3794 mark@mcneillyhh.co.nz www.mcneillyhh.co.nz 0274 506 777 | service@conductivesolutions.co.nz Proudly providing industrial electrical solutions to Contact Energy
6 | Hunter Civil Ltd: Sumner Skatepark T T Richard Loader Skatepark dreams about to come true Hunter Civil has amassed a deep history in the construction of high-quality skateparks. Following the sod-turning ceremony in May this year, the eagerly awaited Sumner Skatepark is now under construction bringing much excitement to the community, both young and old. Located in Nayland Street, close to the shopping village on repurposed red zone land, the skatepark promises to be a top-tier facility and is being constructed by award-winning Christchurch firm Hunter Civil. Over the last decade, Hunter Civil has amassed a deep history in the construction of high-quality skateparks built in Christchurch and around the country as far afield as Waiheke Island. The company’s first skatepark development was the significant Washington St Skate Park in Christchurch, and it has continued to build a reputation for developing skateparks with a high level of concrete-surface finish. Engagement between the Christchurch City Council and the skateboard community has ensured key features attractive to skateboarders, both at a learner and advanced level, have been incorporated into the design. The 600sqm Sumner skatepark will feature two bowls, meticulously constructed with reinforced concrete for a perfectly smooth, glossy finish, and providing options for skaters with different skill levels. Site construction has included excavation to form the bowls, with other areas built up by importing gravel to form the terraced skatepark terrain. “The biggest feature is the Pool Bowl, so called because it’s like a large, old-school swimming pool and has a depth of 1.9 metres,” says Hunter Civil CEO Bryce Moir. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT “A smaller Flow Bowl has a depth of one metre and has different mounds that skaters can get a bit of a flow on as they transition from feature to feature. “The skate bowls were constructed with shotcrete and reinforced concrete, followed by trowelling and polishing for hours to achieve the perfect finish that transitions from all the features and meets skating requirements. “It takes a lot of skilled labour, and a lot of time to achieve that very high level of finish. It is an extremely labour-intensive task, and you need highly skilled people who have developed a track record and know fundamentally what skaters need.” Other features include a quarter-pipe transition, bounded by attractive timber and steel balustrades, to keep skaters in motion, and an array of street skating features, including banks with hubbers and grinding rails, offering challenges for advanced skaters. Some retaining walls and back edges of the raised quarter pipes have an exposed aggregate finish, coloured with dark oxide and speckled with ornamental white stone. Additional park amenities include timber benches, artificial grass seating areas with ornamental boulders, and large shade umbrellas. Adjacent to the skatepark, the Sumner Village Green encompasses a further 1000sqm and will offer picnic and BBQ spaces, a performance stage that can be used for public events, grassed areas, and native plantProud to support Hunter Civil Ltd Proudly supporting Hunter Civil Ltd Contact Brian Reedy – 021 270 4422 | runacres.co.nz Specialist Commercial Insurance Brokers based in Christchurch offering insurance advice to all Canterbury Businesses 03 354 8204 | luke@ssdl.co.nz www.subsurfacecivildrilling.co.nz SUBSURFACE CIVIL & DRILLING LTD • Trenchless Installations • PE & Butt Welding • Civil Works • Underground Infrastructure • Hydro Excavation (Hire) • Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) • Drainage / Water Reticulation ing, creating a welcoming space for the entire family. The Christchurch City Council project is expected to be completed late this year. “All earthworks have now been completed, along with some of the large concrete pours on the pool bowl and we are moving forward on some of the other features,” says Bryce. “Concreting during winter is challenging with low temperatures, and that can protract the finishing process, which makes it more susceptible to adverse weather and rain. “The team is continuously having to erect temporary shelters and tents to protect the concrete from rain to achieve that high level of finish, which we have built our reputation on. It is a very exciting project to be involved in and to continue our legacy and reputation for skatepark construction, close to home. The team know what they are doing, and they are doing a great job.” Founded in 2008, Hunter Civil is headquartered in Christchurch, and operates predominantly around the South Island, stretching into the North Island depending on the project. Hunter Civil tends to focus on the more technically challenging civil construction projects including bridges, retaining walls, wastewater infrastructure such as pump stations, concrete storm water structures, and of course skateparks. Through a willingness to push the boundaries of what others believe is possible, Hunter Civil consistently delivers outstanding results and exceed expectations. “Industry award-winning projects are a testament to the outstanding capabilities of our team and the innovative solutions we develop to meet our clients’ needs,” says Bryce.
| 7 Hunter Civil Ltd: Sumner Skatepark REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Located in Nayland Street, on repurposed red zone land, the Sumner Skatepark promises to be a top-tier facility. Photos: Julian Fairmaid & Seb Jones Dave Du founded North Canterbury based Total Tra ic Management in 2013, when he identi ied an opportunity to deliver a high level of tra ic management support to privately owned local companies, who he believed were not being adequately serviced. The venture proved to be successful and over the past eleven years Total Tra ic Management has evolved from small home based business to a team of 17 skilled sta operating out of a workshop in Ohoka Road. While the business has stayed true to its roots servicing those smaller local civil contracting irms, it has also attracted some of the larger privately owned companies, like Hunter Civil who are currently building the new skate park in Sumner. Arborists wanting to remove or prune trees, along with lines companies undertaking repairs and maintenance have also become regular clients. With twenty years tra ic management experience under his belt, Dave says having the right team members has been crucial to the company’s growth, and its success. “You have to have smart people to do the work, and people who will engage positively with the public, and be a happy face. The public always responds positively to positive happy people. We’re very selective in who we recruit. They have to have the right The trafficmanagement experts personality and the right it within the team. The team all hold various levels of tra ic management quali ications and di erent driver licenses. So we tailor the crew for each project.” The journey to tra ic management commences when the client sits down with Dave and outlines the project. “We discuss their requirements and design the tra ic management layouts, working out the safest way to deliver tra ic management with the least amount of impact to road users and pedestrians. We then submit that plan to the relevant Council for approval. We can either implement the plan, supplying the people and equipment andmonitor the project through to completion or set it up and hand it over to a contractor quali ied in tra ic management.” While the bulk of Total Tra ic Management’s work is in Christchurch city and North Canterbury, work is also undertaken in Selwyn, all the way out to Banks Peninsula and even over Arthurs Pass and theWest Coast. For a number of years Dave has been quali ied to provide practical assessments for tra ic management quali ications on behalf of New Zealand Transport AgencyWaka Kotahi (NZTA). “As part of my assessing role, I also provide mentoring to other companies that are going through the tra ic management quali ication process.” Your final stop for full-service temporary trafficmanagement. 03421 7493 operations@ttm.co.nz 187a Ohoka Road, Kaiapoi 7630 Proudly supporting Hunter Civil on the Sumner skate park Temporary trafficmanagement plans (TMP) Setup, monitoring & packup of all your jobs Site handovers for your own qualified staff Waka Kotahi (NZTA) accreditedMentoring &Assessing at all levels
8 | Cooper Developments T T Kim Newth A family passion for development REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Cooper Developments embodies a family passion for development in Canterbury that spans three generations and a multitude of uplifting projects. The family business started with Merv Cooper, a builder and developer, whose work so inspired his daughter Lilly that she decided to get involved too. “While Papa wasn’t convinced Lilly could handle a tool belt, he knew she’d have a flair for property development; once she started, she hasn’t stopped,” says Lilly’s daughter, Caroline Cooper-Dixon. Caroline later joined Cooper Developments herself to help develop one of Christchurch’s biggest post-quake developments, The Colombo, as an uplifting retail and entertainment destination. Developed with world-class vision, this project provided a much-needed boost for Ōtautahi and is thriving today as a pre-eminent hub of fashion, beauty, home, lifestyle boutiques and independent cinema. The landmark development remains close to Caroline’s heart, one that she is justifiably very proud of, too. “The Colombo, for me, felt like a child in the beginning, with it being my first project. I would work long hours on the development, sometimes even throwing fashion shows! “I wanted to ensure I was providing Christchurch with something unique and enjoyable. The Colombo became a hub for many Cantabrians at a time when it felt like a lot was taken away from our community. “Not only did I learn a lot about the business, but I learnt how to collaborate with the locals and the community.” Between them, Lilly and Caroline have many decades of experience in commercial and retail property development. Together, they are a powerhouse development team, who work well together, sharing tasks to achieve optimal results. Cooper Developments also works closely with construction partner Armitage Williams Construction and trusted contractors. Armitage Williams is a leader in commercial construction in the Canterbury market. Caroline says she enjoys working alongside their project manager. “Since part of the construction phase is making decisions each day that can impact the development in all sorts of ways, having someone skilled and that you enjoy working with each day makes the project more enjoyable. The company also shares similar values to us and you can feel that with Armitage Williams.” In 2020, Cooper Developments was selected by Selwyn District Council to bring the Rolleston Fields development to life. This exceptionally significant development is transforming the heart of Rolleston. “It is an incredible privilege to work with the people of Rolleston to build and shape a town centre that fits their needs. “I feel proud that Cooper Developments have added to the huge potential of Selwyn District, which has been made possible by the council, which is incredibly progressive and caring towards their community.” It is easy to see the synergies between The Colombo and Rolleston Fields developments, both being developed with care to serve and inspire local business and communities for decades to come. Creating developments that can make a positive impact is a big motivator for both Caroline and Lilly. “In our industry, the market is always moving, so it means a lot to know we’ve been trusted with such important projects that will be having major impacts on a community in the years to come. “At Cooper Developments our goal is to add value, build good assets and provide space for businesses to thrive.” Enticing new openings at Rolleston Fields over the past year include luxurious O-Studio that’s located in the Health and Wellness Corner and offers a range of calming yoga, pilates and soothing sauna experiences, plus new eateries Little Vietnam and Sushi Shop Rolleston. Bargain Chemist and Pet Stock are now open, too. Caroline says there are more projects on the horizon. “We’ve had a lot of interest from some strong national brands that want their business in Rolleston. “I’m really excited that the community will soon have access to a wider range of hospitality, specialty retail, office and entertainment in this town of the future.”
| 9 Cooper Developments In 2020, Cooper Developments was selected by Selwyn District Council to bring the Rolleston Fields development to life. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT nexia.co.nz We’re here to take your business further. NexiaChristchurch are proud to support Cooper Developmentswith their accounting and business advisory needs. The Property Law Experts For most Kiwis, property is their biggest investment, and seeking sound legal advice before signing a binding contract is vital. Our Commercial & Residential Property specialists can offer invaluable insights on all property transactions, arming you with the knowledge to make informed decisions, and ensuring that your best interests are catered to. Our services include: • Property sales and purchases • Commercial property leases • Consent and contractual matters • Subdivisions • Joint ventures • Ownership structures • Financing and refinancing • Dispute resolution • Resource management T (03) 379 7835 E legal@harmans.co.nz A 79-81 Cashel St, Central City, Christchurch 8011 www.harmans.co.nz
10 | NPD Limited T T to page 12 T T Karen Phelps Family values fuel company growth NPD has been expanding its Refresh Café concept across its network of service stations. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT NPD, the South Island’s largest independent fuel retailer, has entered a new era of family-owned leadership with Barry Sheridan at the helm. The transition marks a significant milestone for the company, which has been a fixture in the New Zealand fuel market for over 60 years. Barry, who has worked for NPD for 33 years (15 of those as CEO), took over the reins from the previous majority shareholders, Barry Milne and Pauline Field. Barry says he aims to bring a fresh perspective, while maintaining the company’s long-standing tradition of family ownership. “Our family values are at the heart of everything we do. We’re not just a fuel retailer, we’re a part of the communities we serve. This transition allows us to continue that legacy while adapting to the changing needs of our customers. It has really reinforced NPD’s commitment to its core values of independence, customer focus and community engagement.” He says that NPD has long been recognised for bringing genuine competition to the New Zealand fuel market. As an independent retailer, the company has consistently offered competitive prices, challenging the dominance of major brands. This commitment to genuine competitive pricing has not only benefited NPD’s customers, but has also helped to keep fuel prices in check throughout New Zealand. “Our goal is to provide value to our customers, while ensuring the sustainability of our business. It’s a balance that we’ve managed to maintain successfully over the years.” Proud to support NPD Limited with Fuel, Civil and General construction services across their nationwide network. Industry leading quality. The undisputed leaders in dangerous goods road tankers. Lowes Industries Ltd tankers are considered the premium tanker in the industry. Our 50+ years of experience has placed us at the forefront of tanker design. Proudly supporting NPD Limited. 03 982 2547 www.lowes.nz 12A Chapmans Road, Hillsborough, Christchurch lowes.nz
| 11 NPD Limited As an independent retailer, the company has consistently offered competitive prices, challenging the dominance of major brands. REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT Branding | Websites | Graphic Design | Marketing Celebrating 30 Years Young 1SPVEMZ QSPWJEJOH /1% T GVMM 4JHOBHF BOE "QQBSFM 1SJOUJOH 4FSWJDFT $BMM &NBJM PóDF!TJT DP O[ /BZMBOE 3PBE 4UPLF /FMTPO
12 | Family values underpin network The Sheridan family - from left, Barry, Fiona, Jake and Makayla. T T from page 10 NPD Limited REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT In addition to its fuel offerings, NPD has been expanding its Refresh Café concept across its network of service stations. These cafés offer a range of fresh food options, including the signature range Southern Feast menu. This unique offering sets NPD apart from other fuel retailers and provides customers with a convenient dining option during their fuel stops, says Barry. “The Refresh Café concept is more than just an add-on. It’s part of our vision to transform our service stations into community hubs where people can refuel, grab a quick meal, and connect with others,” he explains. He says the company’s commitment to its roots, as a family-owned business has been a key aspect of its success. “Being family-owned allows us to take a long-term view. We’re not driven by quarterly results or shareholder demands. Instead, we can focus on what’s best for our customers, our employees, our suppliers and the communities we serve.” NPD seeks additional sites for expansion NPD is setting its sights on its continued expansion New Zealand wide. It has approximately 100 sites currently in the South Island and also a growing number in the North Island after its entry into this market around three years ago. Barry Sheridan, the new owner of NPD says the company is actively seeking independent fuel retailers, who are in a position to sell or lease their sites, to join its network and bring the NPD brand to new communities across New Zealand. “We’ve built a strong presence in the South Island, and now we’re ready to bring our competitive pricing and quality service to more parts of New Zealand. “We’re looking for independent fuel retailers in locations that will complement and support our growth story.” The company’s expansion plans come at a time when the New Zealand fuel market is facing increased scrutiny over pricing and competition. NPD has long been recognised for its role in bringing genuine competition to the market, and Barry sees the expansion as an opportunity to extend this impact. “It isn’t just about growing our business,” he explains. “It’s about providing more choice “Being family-owned allows us to take a long-term view.” to consumers and helping to keep fuel prices competitive across the country.” The expansion into the North Island three years ago represented a significant milestone for NPD, which has primarily operated in the South Island since its inception. Barry says the move immediately brought increased competition and reduced pump prices to the North Island fuel market. “Our aim is to bring competition to the market and that’s what we are achieving. The Commerce Commission identified NPD as being the most effective fuel retailer to bring lower pump prices to the New Zealand market.” NPD currently has 14 sites in the North Island with another currently under construction in Taupo and more scheduled to start construction by the end of the year. “It’s gone extremely well. Customers have really supported our brand due to our pricing, products and the general customer experience.” NPD also offers its own special blend of fuel called NPD 100Plus, a 100-octane petrol for drivers who want enhanced power from their high-performance engine. “NPD 100Plus is one of the highest-octane, road-legal petrol products to be offered in New Zealand from an established fuel retail network,” explains Barry. “NPD 100Plus is designed to deliver clean-burning power and efficiency and can improve throttle response from an engine.” • Project Management • Engineer to Contract • Project Advisory • Quantity Surveying • Project Funding Services • Development Management Proud to support NPD Limited Our Key Services: bpm.org.nz Locations: Auckland, Wellington, Motueka, and Christchurch Servicing NZ WIDE FOR ALL YOUR TRUCK & TRAILER REPAIR NEEDS Specialising in the Repair of: Trucks, Trailers, Buses, Cars, 4 x 4 Vehicles, Marine Engines, Heavy Equipment & Motor Homes 7 Kotua Place, Stoke | PO Box 3012 Richmond, Nelson | 0800 HESLOP (437 567) 24 HR Hotline 03 543 9400 | Email admin@heslops.co.nz | www.heslops.co.nz HESLOPS 0800 HESLOPS 24HRS We’re proud to support NPD Limited F L YOUR TRUCK & TRAILER EPAIR NEEDS
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