| 101 The QCC and commercial precinct are highly valued community assets but most people won’t appreciate the odds stacked against them from the outset - even the mayor of the time thought we were dreaming. I’m really proud of the entire QCC development and am rewarded to know our behind the scenes efforts added real value to the process, from due diligence through to detailed design. Contact me if you’d like to get some of the better independent expert planning advice in New Zealand. Ben Farrell - Owner & Director - 021 767 622 | ben@cuee.nz | www.cuee.nz Independent Planning Expertise LIFESTYLE Arvida Group Ltd: Queenstown Country Club Industrial • Commercial • Residential “Quality Solutions delivered on Time” INVERCARGILL QUEENSTOWN DUNEDIN CHRISTCHURCH 0800 502 250 www.nind.co.nz Member Electrical Contractors Association of NZ MASTER ELECTRICIANS Suppliers & Installers of: P: 03 445 0553 E: info@extremeroofing.co.nz L A N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T S D E S I G N S Q U A R E D www.design2.co.nz “We are proud to be working closely with Arvida Group” R E S I D E N T I A L L I F E S T Y L E C O M M E R C I A L