Business South September 2023

62 | ‘The right tree in the right place’ Nelson Forest Managers can help clients from woe to go and Matt’s overseas experience means he has specialist knowledge of species other than pinus radiata. FORESTRY Nelson Forest Managers T T Karen Phelps Nelson Forest Managers is blazoning the trail in the region for a new way of planting. Company director Matt Stuart supports a way of planting forestry blocks that farmers have been advocating for some time – the right tree in the right place. “It’s a must. If we don’t make the changes now the issues we are seeing around the country in this regard will continue,” says Matt reference the extreme weather events that have caused issues with things such as slash. It’s Matt’s longevity in the business and his experience of overseas species that helps him to take this approach. He’s been working in forestry since 1989 when he started with his father’s silviculture crew while still at school. He headed straight into the industry after his studies and by 1992 was self-employed. In 2000 he started Nelson Forest Managers with the main focus of delivering a solid return to forest owners. “I’ve been around a long time and seen a diverse range of species and dealt with a range of challenges over the years,” says Matt. “We’re seeing weather events that are beyond normal so we are starting to form new blocks and harvest blocks in diverse species as the way of the future. It’s about thinking 30 years ahead and changing the plan as to how we plant a block. For example even though I’m a pine tree grower and manager I’m not fond of these trees near waterways or ground that is prone to erosion. I think we need a longerterm species there. For example a redwood has a live stump and doesn’t have to be replanted so the ground is permanently held by the root structure. “The right tree, the right place and the right plan all have to come together. It’s about changing the way we think about how we plant.” Nelson Forest Managers can help clients from woe to go and Matt’s overseas experience means he has specialist knowledge of species other than pinus radiata that can be planted in New Zealand including cedar, redwood, douglas, larch, macrocarpa, maple, oak, walnut and bluegum. “We can take a block managed from planting through to a silviculture regime to the marketing of the actual product itself.” A good example is an approximately 140ha forest planted in Brightwater from 2010-14 which included all these species and more. Some for their fire retardant qualities and others to help prevent spread of disease between species, for beneficial carbon credits or cash flow. Other benefits for the landowner were the reduction of weeds and blackberry that had previously been an issue. Matt is supported by a permanent team of staff and also hires in contractors at harvesting time and for specialised work such as forest infrastructure. The bulk of forests Nelson Forest Managers take care of are in Nelson and Tasman and currently total thousands of hectares. “We sell to local and domestic mills as well as export giving a better return for the landowner so they are not so exposed to export prices,” says Matt. “The domestic market is more stable so clients can make good profit no matter what the market conditions, taking advantage of the best of domestic and export markets.” Nelson Forest Managers can also help with carbon needs and getting forests into the Emissions Trading Scheme. Matt started working with the ETS in 2010 so offers sound knowledge in this ever-changing regulatory environment. He is fully registered with MPI as a specialist forest advisor and log buyer. AxemenLogging is proud to be associatedwith NelsonForestManagers 027 313 3313