Business South September 2023

84 | Growing team and reputation The home on steep terrain captures the bush outlook and features negative detail plywood ceiling and walls. Photo credit: Rory Allardice Project Builders T T Rosa Watson BUILDING After starting as a one-man band nine years ago, Dunedin-based builders Project Builders has grown to a seven-strong team undertaking a wide range of builds in the region. The company now has a large portfolio of projects ranging from new builds to renovations. A significant build recently completed was a Mason and Wales designed new build in the city’s North East Valley. “The owner wanted a home that captured the bush outlook, was sunny and warm and future proof with wide doorways, level entry, walk in showers,” director Keegan Bain said. The steep terrain of the site was challenging - the home sits over four metres off the ground. “Finishing details like the negative detail plywood ceiling and walls required extra attention to detail that standard builds don’t have.” The industry was seeing building costs rise across the board and Keegan said clients were taking a lot longer to make the final decision to start their project. “They are also engaging us a lot earlier in the project, often once initial conversations have been had with an architect/draftsman.” Having a builders input early on could save the client a lot of money, with knowledge of different products that cost less or are easier to build with all helps keep costs down. “Doing these changes at the start also saves costs rather than making amendments throughout the build process.” The post-Covid world had seen lots of challenges with price increases and supply issues. “We were fortunate that timing worked out and I was coming off the tools to be able to focus on the project management and running the business side of the job during the day, rather than after a full day on the tools. This enabled me to really manage jobs and make sure ordering/sourcing of products happened as efficiently as it could.” A lot of time was spent sourcing products which smaller businesses would likely have struggled to do if they were on the tools during the day. Another big challenge was clients being able to access finance from the bank, he said. “The owner wanted a home that captured the bush outlook, was sunny and warm and future proof with wide doorways, level entry, walk in showers.” “Banks are often demanding fix price contracts for them to grant finance however in the current market there is still too many unknown price fluctuations to be able to guarantee a fixed price without factoring in a huge contingency. “Pricing a big job is a timely process, then giving the client a chance to consider it, talk to their bank re funding, and often it can be months down the track before a commitment to start has happened.” Next year the company will have been in business for 10 years. “I started out contracting to a friend, he was a great supporter for getting me started in business, helping me learn how to price jobs and referring clients. “From there we have built the team up to where we are today – three builders, two apprentices, myself as project manager and my wife doing admin support.” He said it was important the team was made up of the right people. “Without a great team we cannot do the job to the standard we want.” In the last two years they had been able to invest more time and money the business, he said. This included completing a training programme The Tradie Academy with their accountants, Findex. “They have given us confidence to grow our business, refine our systems and work towards achieving our business and personal goals. “We are now in a position where I am no longer working late nights every week trying to keep on top of the books and can spend my evenings with my family.” Phone 03 455 3341 350 Andersons Bay Rd, DUNEDIN OPEN 7 DAYS FOR ALL YOUR BUILDING SUPPLIES. Ph. 03 453 3129 We will solve all your roofing problems