Business South September 2023

92 | Architectural homes specialist in the groove Theseven-strong core team of handpicked builders works alongside a trusted team of skilled contractors, backed with reliable suppliers. BUILDING Sellwood Builders T T Kim Newth From the Port Hills to the Canterbury Plains, Sellwood Builders has grown a reputation for quality workmanship and attention to detail in Canterbury’s residential new build and renovations market. Specialising in architectural homes, the experienced team cares about every individual project they undertake. Company founder Will Sellwood, who grew up in Oxford, first entered the building industry in 2006 and completed his apprenticeship with a Loburn-based builder. “He specialised in architectural homes – that’s how I learnt my trade – and it’s what I specialise in now too,” says Will, who founded Sellwood Builders in 2013. “What I like the most about architectural projects is being involved with the client from day one and working collaboratively to achieve what they envisage and to fulfil their aspirations. I support people to hone their ideas and they like what I put forward. I love the practical side of building too and am very meticulous; I set high expectations for my team to be as neat as possible.” Will and wife Anna are both heavily involved in the Ohoka-based business, with Anna managing office administration. They have steadily grown the business since its inception. Their seven-strong core team of handpicked builders works alongside a trusted team of skilled contractors, backed with reliable suppliers. “We generally use smaller contracting businesses. For example, our plumber is sole charge, as is our electrician. Our plasterer has a team of three. In my opinion, this approach delivers better results. “They are all nice professional people and the clients get to know them too. They are not going to have someone different turning up every day at random times. It is just easier all round.” Fostering solid working relationships within the team and with the client is central to Sellwood Builders’ success and Will says it is pivotal to their quality service. “Even though I’m not the sole builder like I was to start with, I’m still on the tools every day, deal with each individual client directly and make sure projects are running smoothly and to a high standard.” Sellwood Builders has completed many hill projects and builds from Scarborough and Redcliffs to Merivale, Mandeville and Ohoka. As a Registered Master Builder, Sellwood Builders is backed by an assurance of quality. Their reputation ensures the team has plenty of work on the go. “There are forecast challenges looming for the building sector, but at the moment we’re as busy as we have ever been and still getting new enquiries. We have a big architectural project in Merivale that we hope to hand over shortly and are doing a major renovation at Scarborough.” Will says clients approach them with varying requirements. Some already have plans underway and are wanting to engage Sellwood Builders to collaborate with them, while Proudly supporting Sellwood Builders CONTACT JORDAN 027 602 7433 i i i il. From minor renovations, new builds and full exteriors we can help with all of your painting needs. Mention this advert and we will pay for your paint! Contact Jeremy Porter • 027 323 0089 “What I like the most about architectural projects is being involved with the client from day one and working collaboratively to achieve what they envisage and to fulfil their aspirations.” others come to them seeking advice on where to start with their design and build. “No matter where people are at with their planning, we can help guide them through the whole process.” Sellwood Builders is honest with clients on timeframes. Will says project delivery will vary depending on the complexities of each job. “By working closely with our clients, we achieve a consistently high standard, delivering on expectations.”