Business South September 2024

| 5 Invercargill City Council - City Streets Development REGIONAL DEVELOPMENT The Invercagill City Streets project won an excellence award for civic and urban design in the 2024 Resene New Zealand Institute of Landscape Architecture awards. Photos: Ishtmus ¶ljǫśNJĂŵśƾśƁō ìĂśŕƧƲĂś Art Fet iche offers the expert ise to produce an array of projects, from personal ised bronze cast ing to stunning steel pou, wi th the abi l i ty to bring any vision to l i fe. :DLKǀSDL 5njQDND SURYLGHG mana whenua perspect ive and inspirat ion for the Invercargi l l Ci ty Counci l VWUHHW XSJUDGHV RQ (VN DQG 'RQ 0DKL 7RL ZRUNV ZHUH the creat ive outcomes col laborat ively developed by design teams Isthmus and Paetoi wi th local carver, -DPHV <RUN 7ZR VWHHO FODG SRX 0DKLND .DL DQG 7H .ƗLND RYHUORRN FRPPXQL W\ gathering areas on Don and (VN &DVW PDKLND NDL I LJXULQHV OXUN DORQJ SDWKV that meander around garden beds. Patterns etched in stone pavers ref lect the area's natural wet lands and ngahere bush. Al l are scattered throughout for everyone to discover and enjoy. artfet