NZ Dairy Autumn 2021

18 | nz dairy CENTURY FARM » Worthington Family Few comforts for pioneering family Richard Loader Photos: Percy Worthington on the Massey Ferguson with old friend and working dog Tip; Percy with son Kevin gathering up Macrocarpa firewood. F ew of the comforts enjoyed today by Taranaki dairy farming couple Graeme and Janice Wor- thington, along with their children and grand- children, were shared by their pioneer ancestors. The family’s patriarch and matriarch, Charles and Annie Worthington, arrived at Gordon Road Strat- ford, initially with their six children Olive, William, Reginald, Frank, Maude, Arthur (Snowy) in 1919. Emigrants from England, the couple came from a kauri gum-digging background in Northland and travelled by ship down the west coast to a 80 acre (32 hectare) farm at Toko about 10 kilometres east of Stratford. Graeme says the family crossed the Waitara River sand bar in the middle of a storm. “That would have been a harrowing experience. They were pioneers, they didn’t know what they were coming to, where they were going, they were courageous people.” During the following six years Constance, Percy – Graeme’s father – and Joy were added to the fold. Stricken with polio at a young age, Charles was paralysed down his right side, limiting the use of his right arm. This did not deter his courage or commitment to the physical challenges that lay ahead, including a swampy farm that required much development. Charles had a good eye for choosing quality stock and soon established a Jersey herd, with the family helping hand-milk 30 cows twice a day. • to page 20 With the outbreak of World War 11 Snowy served four years in the Middle East. Charles died in 1942 and in 1946 Percy married Molly Goble, purchasing the home farm from the other family members the following year. Sons Kevin and Graeme were born in 1948 and 1950 respectively. The year of 1955 proved to be a milestone in the history of the farm; Percy bought his first tractor, a Massey Ferguson 24, had a new home built and purchased his first pedigree Jersey heifer Glen Fern Muriel, with which Gordon Dale stud was estab- lished. Subsequent years of draining, tiling, cultivat- ing and new pastures led to an increase in stock numbers along with increased production. In the 1968-1969 season, Hilary, a grade cow bred and reared at Gordon Road gained the honour of Taranaki’s highest producing cow through the Livestock Improvement herd testing system. Over three consecutive years she produced well over 700 pounds (317 kilograms) of fat per year and produced a son for the first intake of unregistered sires for the sire proving scheme. “This bull became the second highest rated for the intake that year.” In 1975 Graeme married Janice Jupp and took over the 32ha family farm, milking 90 cows. Jan followed a career in education and taught at Toko School; Grant was born in 1979, followed by Amy in 1982. Worthington family – celebrating 100 years on the land. Back row: Amy (daughter), with Jan and Graeme. (Front): Son Grant and daughters Olivia and Sophie. Let us help your family pass the farm through the generations. Stratford | Hawera | New Plymouth (06) 765 6178 John has a passion for the land and is dedicated to supporting CMK clients in the agricultural and horticultural sectors across New Zealand. With expertise in taxation planning, John advises numerous family-run businesses on appropriate trading structures and keeps current with changes to taxation laws. He works with clients at different stages of growth and structures their businesses to maximise profit. Along with his family keeping him busy, John is involved in numerous community activities and is a dedicated supporter of local not-for-profit organisations. JOHN DAZLEY ANDREW DARKE Passing It Forward - A Guide to Succession Planning John Dazley & Andrew Darke Proud to have supported the Worthington Farming Venture Ph. 06 764 8088 Je Ansell 021 385 615 Freephone 0800 100 350 o 165 Bridge Street, Eltham Global importers of quality stockfeeds direct to your farm. 027 528 8511