NZ Dairy Autumn 2021
| 3 nz dairy DAIRY PEOPLE » Cameron & Cassandra Spencer Exciting new rural podcast planned Cass and Cameron Spencer, with daughters Mackenzie and Sienna. The couple plan to launch a rural podcast later this year. Kim Newth A ward winning Southland sharemilkers Camer- on and Cassandra Spencer have big plans for their under-development rural podcast, which they plan to launch later this year. The couple are 50/50 sharemilkers for the New Zealand Rural Property Trust on a 141ha, 420-cow property in Otautau. Last year they were runners up in the Share Farmer of the Year category in the Southland-Otago Dairy Industry Awards and re- ceived merit awards for pasture performance, along with recording and productivity. Rather than being focussed just on farming, Cass and Cameron’s podcast will aim to take a wide-ranging look at rural living through a series of half-hour interviews. They also plan to involve a third person to help broaden the platform and cover all bases. “We will be covering the likes of mental health, physical health and well-being, nutrition, as well as farm innovators, diversification and inspirational stories from around New Zealand,” says Cass. “We listen to a lot of podcasts ourselves and feel there’s a real gap in the market for something like this.” To begin with, they plan to run an episode a month but would like to step that up to once a week over time to provide a regular podcast for everyday farming families, covering relatable topics of inter- est from a grassroots perspective. “There are those times when farmers are out on the tractor mowing a paddock, for example, when they could be sitting there listening to a podcast like this,” says Cass. “It’ll be like having a mate there chatting away with interesting people and sharing their knowledge and experiences.” As she observes, there is an amazing amount of diversification in the farm sector to explore. They have personal experience of that, having them- selves converted their garage into a gym where Cass runs six classes a week. The couple have two young daughters, aged five and two years, so quality family time is also a priority for them. “People have these stereotypes around farmers and farming lifestyles,” says Cam. “In fact, we also do a lot of things off the farm as well. I think it’ll be good to talk about that side of it too and how people are finding balance in their lives.” While he did not grow up on a farm, Cameron knew from an early age that he wanted a career on the land. He started working in the dairy industry after leaving school. Looking back over the past decade or more, he says the best decision he made was moving to Southland eight years ago. “Down here, there’s more progression and the scale of farms is also bigger. There seems to be more of a willingness to help people into the industry.” The New Zealand Rural Property Trust has proved to be a great company to work for. “Our Trust CEO Brian Burrough is very accessible and has a lot of information at his fingertips.” The farm is making big strides in nutrient man- agement and, with skilled supportive staff in place, Cam has recently had time to complete an AI ap- prenticeship. The couple are also looking at another 50/50 sharemilking opportunity in their area. “We listen to a lot of podcasts ourselves and feel there’s a real gap in the market for something like this.” Sienna gets involved with feeding the calves (above) and gets a tow from sister Mackenzie (left). DAIRY SHED SPECIALISTS OF THE SOUTH DEDICATED TO HELPING INCREASE EFFICIENCY PRODUCTION PROFITS WINTON 189 Great North Road 03 236 8324 GORE 50 Ordsal Street 03 208 8324 WWW.DAIRYTECHSOUTH.CO.NZ BALING Wrap on wrap balage Net baling Mowing, Raking and Baling CULTIVATION Roller drill power harrow, Ploughing, Leveling bar, Deep ripper and Precision auto steer 12 ton tip trailer with silage bins and rock sides for hire Call 027 332 4420 for or a free no-obligation quote SERVICING THE SOUTHLAND REGION UMBILICAL 2,600m pipe Pump stirrer Joskin 16,000L slurry tank