NZ Dairy Autumn 2021
36 | nz dairy DAIRY PEOPLE » Angela Strawbridge Good communication, strong networks Kim Newth A ward winning Manawatu dairy farm manager Angela Strawbridge says spreading the positives and showing pride in dairying are powerful tools for future growth. The past year’s border restrictions have deep- ened issues around recruitment, with some farmers struggling to attract staff. In partnership with local organisations in her area, Angela has been explor- ing ways to promote farming to the next generation. “We’re still in the early stages but I think a key message for us is that the dairy industry has a lot to offer. We are passionate about sustainable produc- tion, animal health and the environment and the end result is top quality milk.” In 2018, Angela was named Manawatu Dairy Manager of the Year and was, at that time, working as herd manager for Stewart Dairylands in Bun- nythorpe. At the end of that year, she took up a new role with Hopkins Farming Group Ltd at Taonui farm, south of Palmerston North. She is also a hub leader for the Dairy Women’s Network in the Lower North Island. At Taonui, Angela is managing a 255ha milking platform, running 800 cows on TAD milking through a 60-bail rotary shed equipped with automatic cup feeders. Taonui is a flatland farm with clay soils and stays relatively dry most of the year, bar spring. A feed pad is available as needed. “With Covid there has definitely been more inter- est in the primary sector and people wanting whole foods. This is where dairying comes into its own. Here at Taonui, we are producing fresh quality milk from a grass-focussed systemof grass, silage and maize.” “What I like about working for Hopkins Farming Group is that their sustainability values align with my own and you can see that followed through: a river going through the farm has been fenced off and biodiversity is increasing as areas are planted out as part of our farm environment plan … Hop- kins Farming also has very good staff retention and supports people to step up their game and be lead- ers in the industry – I’m passionate about that too.” There are 10 dairy farms in the group. Farm managers meet once a month, plus there are regular discussion groups, along with professional development for senior assistants and 2ICs to build understanding of pasture growth, pasture manage- ment, animal health and nutrition. Angela is equally committed to building an effective farm team at Taonui with her three staff. Biosecurity protocols are properly implemented, as is the farm’s effluent management plan. Angela says dairying is hard to beat from a networking and information sharing perspective. “With Covid there has definitely been more interest in the primary sector and people wanting whole foods. This is where dairying comes into its own.” At Taonui, Angela is managing a 255ha milking platform, running 800 cows. Through the Dairy Women’s Network, she regu- larly meets with other network leaders, covering Manawatu, southern Hawke’s Bay and Wairarapa and is currently organising workshops involving sustainability advisors from Fonterra, Ballance and ASB. She recently ran a Dairy Women’s Network soil assessment workshop at Taonui farm. Angela has raised three children and still has a 12-year-old daughter at home. She also loves spending time with her two young grandchildren. It goes without saying that she has learned how to work very efficiently, balancing her precious time between farm, family, and rural networks. Farm manager Angela Strawbridge with daughter and son Brooke and Calum Rosacker. They are holding a certificate awarded to Angela from AWDT’s Next Level programme, a leadership programme for women involved in primary industries and rural communities. Our relationship is where high performance dairy and accounting and we’re business advisers too. Talk to us about how we can help your farming enterprise succeed. Hopkins Farming Group & NLA are a great match 196 Broadway Avenue, Palmerston North 11 Ward Street, Dannevirke Congratulations on your success. Pilet Contracting Limited, proud to support Angela Strawbridge.