NZ Dairy Autumn 2021

| 47 nz dairy DAIRY PEOPLE » Chris Lewis Small, incremental changes pay off Karen Phelps C hris Lewis has de-stocked his farm slightly and minimised palm kernel in the system when the price increase made it economi- cally unsustainable. His family farming business, Lewisridge Farms, is now more profitable and there is less stress on staff but Chris is at pains to stress it is not purely the result of these two fac- tors but rather incremental small changes across many areas of the business. As Federated Farmers national board mem- ber and spokesperson for employment and immigration Chris is all too aware that every farm and every farmer is different. He says that while incremental improvement sounds simple it is often anything but. “With changing rules and increasing costs it’s not easy. We’ve also dropped staff hours and saved money in the shed and in pumping effluent and track repairs. It’s a lot of things. But what works here won’t necessarily work for another farm,” he says. In partnership with his parents, Chris and wife Caroline farm dairy and beef on 500ha comprising 360 ha of dairy with three milking herds totalling 970 Friesian-cross cows and 140 drystock at Pukeatua. The business employs five staff and target production is 370,000 kgMS. While Lewis- ridge Farms has recently dropped around 180 dairy cows it has increased its beef numbers on its drystock units and runs 200 heifer calves, 200 R2s, and 250 beef cattle. Staff is an important part of running such a big business. In his role as spokesperson for employ- ment and immigration Chris says he’s tried to “walk the walk” and prioritise job satisfaction and staff retention in the business. It has paid off. His least experienced staff member has been there two years and counting, and his longest serving is eight years. Creating a team atmosphere is a key to suc- cess. Lewisridge staff wear branded tops and overalls and are given raincoats and high vis vests, which Chris says creates a more profes- sional work environment. Environmental compliance is the other big challenge for the business, as it is for all dairy farmers. One drystock property is completely fenced off and the other 85% fenced off. They have planted around 26,000 natives on the dairy farms and now plan to start planting on the drys- tock units over the coming years. His says his role with Federated Farmers is a double edged sword – he knows what needs to be done but also knows the huge challenge that lies ahead as farmers grapple with how climate, freshwater, im- migration and employment regulations will impact their businesses. “Federated Farmers ground test things or put them through the ‘bullshit’ test. It’s about mak- ing sure good rules can be applied sensibly and affordably by farmers. We all want cleaner water but to do that you have to have rules that can be applied effectively.” He points to a recent example where farm- ers identified a problem, told Federated Farmers about it and then made an effort to tell their story, sending emails to the government to tell them that not allowing sheep scanners into the country during the pandemic would make this part of their business impossible. Chris says it did make the government reconsider and that is why it’s important farmers continue to make their voices heard on a range of issues. “Federated Farmers ground test things or put them through the ‘bullshit’ test. It’s about making sure good rules can be applied sensibly and affordably by farmers. We all want cleaner water but to do that you have to have rules that can be applied effectively.” Federated Farmers national board member Chris Lewis says that while incremental improvement sounds simple, it is often anything but. Digger and Truck Hire - Pukeatua Phone 07 872-4808 Gary Mobile 021 396-237 Proud to support Lewisridge Farms Ltd Offices in Otorohanga, Te Awamutu & Taumarunui | We provide professional quality advice and friendly service to dairy, drystock, forestry, horticulture and rural businesses throughout New Zealand. Qubik are proud to take care of the dairy shed requirements for Chris Lewis