NZ Dairy Autumn 2021
62 | nz dairy DAIRY PEOPLE » Grasslands Grass roots farming : Shannel Rudkin and Kirt McConnachie on farm with team members. There are plenty of opportunities for staff to learn more and advance their careers at Grasslands. `The better the farm does the better we do’ • from page 61 HONDA COUNTRY 03 308 2030 Ext 1 Workshop Ext 2 Parts Ext 3 Sales | 740 East Street Ashburton 7700 | CARD ACCEPTED HERE Only $11,995 + GST Honda WB20 Water Pump Only $695 + GST Offering two fully equipped on farm service trucks and service to all makes and models. Honda TRX420FM1 Kirt started his career working on a dairy farm in Northland where he met Shannel who was a relief milker. In 2013 they decided to venture south and took on a 2IC job together in Culverden for six months before getting their first job with Grasslands. They started as farm managers for four years then contract milked a 900-cow unit before moving to their present position. Their aim is to increase cow numbers to 1800. Kirt and Shanell also have shares in the Grasslands staff scheme. “It’s a good place to put money for growth and means we don’t have to look off-farm to invest. This means we can focus on this farm. The better the farm does the better we do. Grasslands has been a great way to develop our skills and there are always plenty of people to ask for advice. We’ve learned a lot, in particular about the finan- cial side of farming. We now run our own business and we can thank Grasslands for that.” Simon agrees there are always plenty of op- portunities for staff to learn more at Grasslands to advance their careers. “Grasslands has a supportive shareholder base and is governed by an experienced and industry leading board. Together with senior manage- ment team, there is a wealth of knowledge and experience in large-scale dairy farming, the global dairy industry, strategy development and implementation, international business, econom- ics and finance. We pride ourselves on being able to offer growth and development opportunities for our people, both within the Grasslands business and wider industry and our shareholders are very supportive of this.” )063 '"6-54 4&37*$& '3*%(& sales: Lee 027 33 44 365 PROUD REFRIGERATION SERVICE PROVIDER TO CANTERBURY GRASSLANDS LTD XXX EBJSZDPPM DP O[ zŽƵƌ Ăŝ ƌLJ ZĞĨƌ ŝŐĞƌĂƚ ŝŽŶ ^ƉĞĐ ŝĂů ŝ ƐƚƐ ƐĞƌǀŝ Đ ŝŶŐ EƚŚ ĂŶƚĞƌďƵƌLJ ƚŽ KĂŵĂƌƵ FOR TOTAL MILK COOLING COMPLIANCE TALK TO OUR FRIENDLY TEAM TODAY LOCALºAGENTSºFOR º6!2)#//,º SYSTEMS SNAPºCHILLINGº MILKºSILOºWRAPSº '; 03 325 4257 | Dairy Ponds ∙ Saucers ∙ Sumps Underpasses ∙ Septic Tanks Proudly supporting Grasslands