NZ Dairy Autumn 2021
| 63 nz dairy DAIRY PEOPLE » Grasslands Workers come back home to Grasslands W i th two key workers stuck overseas due to Covid-19 restrictions, Grasslands contract milkers Kirt McConnachie and Shannel Rudkin have had a hectic year. But bring- ing home 2IC Bobby Singh and herd manager Harry Singh was all the reward they needed. “It was pretty emotional for them when they fi- nally got back home to New Zealand. And we are proud that we were part of the team that helped them to get here.” Karen Phelps “It was pretty emotional for them when they finally got back home to New Zealand. And we are proud that we were part of the team that helped them to get here.” Office: 03 302 8098 Book online: David Molloy: 0274 362 441 David Mangin: 0274 802 216 Colin Woolsey: 0274 362 448 Gregor Robertson: 0274 362 438 Gary Rackham: 0274 362 459 Gemma Oliver: 0274 324 434 Martina Padrutt: 0272 863 489 Proud to support Canterbury Grasslands Limited
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