NZ Dairy Autumn 2021
66 | nz dairy DAIRY PEOPLE » Josh & Kareena Sneddon Taking family stud forward a focus Tahau Jersey Stud’s Kareena and Josh Sneddon with twins Kyle and Olivia and 18-month old Natalie. Karen Phelps B reeding is an undeniable passion for Josh Sneddon. Tahau Jersey Stud was originally started by his parents, Tim and Gayle, on a hill at the back of his grandfather’s original farm. That was 57 years ago and Tim and Gayle still farm the original herd. Josh has carried on the Tahau prefix and a majority of his own herd descend from the original Tahau herd. He is focused on taking Tahau Stud forward. He’s on the Jersey Genome committee for Jersey New Zealand and this season Tahau Stud has had one heifer selected, a total outcross heifer by the CRV Ambreed bull Aldegaard Primero Primal from Denmark, which Josh says will give outcross diversity. “It’s exciting chatting with people because every- one has different views on things. It’s been great to see what others are doing as it keeps you thinking about what you’re doing with your own breeding,” says Josh of his role on the committee. Tahau Stud aims to breed a larger Jersey with bigger capacity, good fat and protein tests and strong udders. As an AI technician, Josh has good knowledge of and access to all the best genetics. The stud’s breeding worth is 138 and production worth is 152. Stock is sold by private treaty each year, around 15-20 heifers and the same again of cows. Both Josh and wife Kareena are from farming families. Josh started farming as soon as he left school taking on a job as a farm assistant on a unit in Morrinsville. The job was also attractive as it was near where Kareena was studying at Waikato University to become a teacher. Josh then took on a role as farm manager on Kareena’s parents’ farm in Te Aroha before heading back to Tokoroa as a herd manager for two seasons followed by a further two seasons as a farm man- ager in Putaruru. The couple started 50:50 sharemilking just south of Tokoroa on a 300-cow farm where they stayed for three seasons. They then headed to Otorohanga for three seasons on a similar size farm before moving to their present position on a farm in Tokoroa, owned by Albie and Barb Kuttel, where they are just completing their first season. Josh says the relationship between the Kuttels and them- selves is open and mutual decisions are discussed to take the farm in the best direction. The Kuttels also provide valuable wisdom from their many years of experience in the industry. The 98ha effective unit milks a herd of 310 cows through a 30 aside herringbone shed with automatic cup removers. Josh is assisted by one farm worker. Kareena’s hands are more than kept full with their three children: twins Kyle and Olivia, 4 and Natalie, 18 months. She also somehow man- ages to find time to do the farm accounts and rears all the calves. Josh and Kareena are aiming to produce 450kgMS per cow or 1400kgMS per hectare this season. Farm ownership is the goal for the young couple and they are presently looking at a strategy to achieve their dream. Photos: Josh Sneddon is on the Jersey Genome committee for Jersey New Zealand. 10-year-old cow Tahau Henry Bronze. VETERINARY SERVICES SOUTH WAIKATO Veterinary Services 19 Swanson Street, Tokoroa PH. (07) 886 6413 TOTAL ANIMAL CARE FOR THE SOUTH WAIKATO 75 Tirau Street, Putaruru PH. (07) 883 3018 109 State Highway 30, Whakamaru PH. (07) 882 8685 FARM ANIMAL SERVICES • SMALL ANIMAL SERVICES • DAIRY RESOURCES