NZ Dairy Autumn 2021

| 9 nz dairy DAIRY PEOPLE » Johan van Ras Ballance award finalist proactive on environment Kim Newth W aikato is the only region in New Zealand running Ballance Farm Environment Awards (BFEA) this year. For Johan van Ras and family, who own Waiorongomai Valley Farms near Morrinsville,it makes their selection as 2021 BFEA finalists all the more special. The BFEA programme is not being held this year due to COVID-19, but with independent funding in place Waikato has the green light to go ahead. Five finalists were announced in late January, with the awards dinner scheduled for 14 April at the Sir Don Rowlands Centre, Lake Karapiro. Waiorongomai Valley Farms is a first-time en- trant. Johan says the decision to enter was all about wanting to share the farm’s positive story while at the same time making the most of the opportunity it offered to learn even more about sustainable farm practices. “Of course, it’s a nice bonus to make it through to the next level and reach the finals. We have entered business awards before to benchmark ourselves against other farms and learn from top operators. Given the way things are going – with sustainability joining profitability as a number one topic – we thought it was a good time to be involved in the BFEA.” Judging of finalists took place in late February.“They were really looking at our numbers and honing in on what we do. It was a shame they were only here for three hours as they have so much knowledge – there was a lot to take in!” The 76ha family farm (66ha effective) – near SH27, just north of the Tatua Dairy Company – milks 215 cows. The property is mostly grass with 8ha of forage maize, supplemented with PK at the height of the summer dry. Johan and his wife Kylie own the farm in a 50/50 partnership with Johan’s parents, Richard and Truus, who live on farm. They all get on well and en- joy a great working relationship.“We’re really lucky to still have Dad active on the farm and helping out with those extra jobs, even though he’d sometimes rather be fishing!” Kylie is a full-time vet in Morrinsville and she and Johan are also busy raising their two children, Blake, 11 and Dana, 8. Johan chairs the local school board (Tatuanui School) and Kylie helps organise an annual calf rearing fundraiser for the school. Over the past decade since buying the farm, the family has had a strong focus on improvement, particularly around environmental issues. There has been a big investment in infrastructure, with a feed pad put in to reduce pasture damage and feed utilisation over the wetter months. As well, a more efficient effluent system/effluent monitoring has been established. Having had issues with E-coli plus high iron and manganese levels in home and stock water, the family had a state of the art water treatment system installed. It has been great for the health and well- being of people and stock alike. In the past year alone, several thousand native trees and shrubs have been planted on a 4.5ha riparian block that has a waterway flowing through it to the Waikarakeke River at the back of the farm. The family was successful in receiving funding sup- port for the project through Trees That Count and the One Billion Trees Fund. “It’s always been quite a wet unproductive area so it’s great to be able to give it back to nature.” “Of course, it’s a nice bonus to make it through to the next level and reach the finals.” Blake with grandad Richard planting out a waterway; A feed pad is part of a big investment in farm infrastructure. Johan and Kylie with children Blake and Dana and parents Richard and Truus. Capper Contracting &Mulchers (1981)Ltd For all your Contracting Requirements Proud to support Johan Van Ras McKinley Road, RD1, Te Aroha Trevor: (027) 496 2370 Steven: (027) 596 2370 SEE US FOR SPECIALIST ADVICE ON: WE’RE PROUD OF OUR RURAL TIES • Asset Protection & Estate Planning • Business Advisory & Development • Rural Accounting Compliance • Business Appraisals & Valuations • Trust & Company Administration • Staffing & Employment Agreements MORRINSVILLE 298 Thames Street Phone 07 280 5519 TE AROHA 51-61 Whitaker St Phone 07 884 8055 Providing the Matamata and Waikato regions with premium drilling, drainage and digging services for over 40 years F o r P r o f e s s i o n a l , p r o m p t & q u a l i t y s e r v i c e 2 4 h o u r s - 7 d a y s a w e e k RESIDENT IAL RURAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL Phone 0800WIRED4U (0800 947 3348) Ema i l of f i Address 29 Kenr i ck Street Te Aroha, Wa i kato 150 E l l i s Street , Hami l ton