NZ Dairy Autumn 2022

| 107 nzdairy DAIRY SERVICES » Total Replacement Typical clover-ryegrass pasture under this program. Roots at one metre in normal Rye-clover pasture. are based on its eight step programme which goes deeper than soil and fertiliser; balancing animal nutrition is also a key part of ensuring all management aspects work together for the best possible outcome. A comprehensive soil test is undertaken, followed by balancing the soil with a biological activator as a catalyst to ensure conditions are optimum for good biology to thrive. Through this programme, farmers have testified to being able to reduce synthetic nitrogen and mitigating leaching while maintaining or improving pasture, profit and production. Another significant benefit is that the soil’s water holding capacity is increased, making pastures more tolerant to both drought and high rainfall. Dannevirke farmer Rod Southgate is following the programme and believes people greatly underestimate what lies beneath. “The saying ‘when we stand on the ground we are standing on the roof of another world’ really got me thinking.” “After just one month on the Total Replacement Therapy programme we started seeing observable results. The clover just came out of nowhere, the growth was just phenomenal.” He also noticed cows grazed more evenly and their manure was much firmer, indicating either improved levels of dry matter in their feed or improved digestion. “We have also been able to reduce our ammonium sulphate application rate to half that of the regional council’s limit of 60 units of nitrogen per hectare.” Paul Bardouhl of Ohaupo did not see an immediate change on is dairy farm, but is no longer using chemical sprays to control weeds and the weed population continues to decline, while the pasture is now more dense with more clover. He has also observed more even grazing, David says. “We have a range of farms across New Zealand on the Total Replacement Therapy eight-step programme now all seeing consistent results with abundant clover and soil biology which is the foundation of a healthy farm soil.” Mike: 021 94 2120 | Chris: 021 94 2121 Phone Office: 07 871 9565 | 768 Pirongia Rd, RD 6, Te Awamutu 3876 REYMER AG Liquid Fertilizer Specialists Grow for the future. Waikaitu is proud to support Total Replacement Therapy. w a i k a i t u . c o m Superior yields, naturally. Waikaitu NZ DAIRY NEWS AD 126.5 x 180mm AW.indd 1 7/03/22 4:29 PM EM will improve yield and performance in agriculture through enhancing soil biological activity and fertiliser inputs. EMNZ proudly supports the Total Replacement Therapy Program and Philosophy P. 03 374 6323 E. W.