NZ Dairy Autumn 2022

50 | nzdairy Dairy Cooling Solutions have themilk cooling equipment to help your farm complywithMPI regulations and to ensure you get themost out of every milking. Dairy Cooling Solutions (DCS) was established tomeet the dairy sectors milk cooling technology challenges, improving e iciency andmilk quality on the farmwith premiummilk cooling solutions fromdairy coolingmanufacturer Packo Inox. Packo is one of the oldest milk cooling tank manufacturers in the world, and for over 20 years Packo’s presence in Australia has resulted in over 1600 newPackomilk cooling tanks installed on farms - and this technology is now available to New Zealand farmers through Dairy Cooling Solutions. DCS has supplied over 300 Packo Ice Banks nationwide, with the units living up to their reputation of excellent quality, performance and value. Why aDCSMilkCooling System is theBest Investment for Your Farm: EuropeanDesignandQuality Packo have over 50 years of experience in developingmilk cooling solutions and are one of Europe’s leading dairy cooling systems producers for the needs or farmers around the world. ImprovedMilkQualitywith SnapChilling Protect your product with the right systemand bene it froma potentially higher return, adding pro its to your farm. Invest in yourmilk quality Tradition meets Technology DCS Dairy Cooling Solutions SaveWater andEnergywithPacko Ice Builders (PIB’s) Thanks to the ice energy store build-up during night-time hours, a smaller refrigeration unit can be installed to assist in energy saving. This is in addition to the potential savings of o -peak power rates. Bore water pre-cooling is not necessary with the correctly sized PIB. This is ideal for drought-prone regions or where water supplies are restricted. Horizontal MilkCoolingTankswith Iced Water Cooling DCS’s systems are 50%more e ective in cooling milk compared to standard direct expansion systems, with no risk of freezing milk at a water temperature of +0.5 > 1.0degC. Highly Suitable for AutomaticMilking Systems Our cooling solutions are perfect for AMS (Robotic Farming Systems) with lowmilk lows. There’s no risk of freezingmilk. Nationwide coverage andAfter-Sales support Dairy Cooling Solutions have sta in Auckland, Wellington and Christchurch and a network of trusted refrigeration installers around the country from Invercargill to Whangarei. For more information visit or give us a call on 0800 122 893 to discuss your milk cooling requirements. BOOK NOW as places are limited or for more information contact: DPSL Farm Tutorial Workshops Successful farmers understand … Tutors are DPSL principals Bryan McKay BVSc. MVSc. and Sue Macky BVSc. (dist.) DPSL is a long established, successful cow management and nutrition consultancy group. cows business risks farm systems environment Designed for owners, managers, advisers and veterinarians Unique, popular and in-depth course combining classroom and on-farm practical teaching DPSL Farm Tutorial 2022-23 Workshop includes 10 x 1-day tutorial sessions (currently based in the Waikato) Phone: (07) 858 2224 Mb/Txt: 027 492 8212 Feed conversion efficiency is key The team at Dairy Production Systems state, “Regardless of farm system, sire, location and breed, the basic unit of productivity is the cow, and her feed conversion e iciency. We do not care what system you operate - that is very much an individual farmer choice – but we do care that you do it well, while optimising the welfare of animals, people and environment.” Dairy Production Systems’ clients operate through the whole range, from genuine system one - grass only, no purchased feed or grazing o - right through to ive plus, including certi ied organic farms, and those once-a-day milking all season. “In all cases sustainable success depends on understanding the cows, how they function and what they want. It is not a luke that the average 6 week In-calf Rate across Dairy Production Systems’ client base does reach target with minimal intervention - many exceed 75%. There is a strong correlation between six week ICR, comparative stocking rate and pro itability.” Optimising feed conversion e iciency - where the feed went, and how well it went - is dependent on well managed cows and feed. “This always includes pasture - grazed grass is still the single biggest individual feed across all farm systems. Optimising feed e iciency means less wastage of nutrients.” Dairy Production Systems’ tenet – “Well fed, well managed, happy productive cows make happy pro itable farmers.” To ind out how top farmers achieve these outcomes enquire about DPSL’s Farm Tutorial Workshops – see advert for details.