106 | nzdairy ON FARM » Dairy Holdings • from page 105 Focussing on pasture and cow fertility New Fereday Island stockyards. • Concrete • Fertiliser Spreading - Farm Mapping - GPS Tracking - Variable Rate Spreading • Livestock Cartage • Grain Cartage • Shingle Supplies • Daily Freight Leeston: 03 3248 070 Dunsandel: 03 3254 039 reception@ellesmere.co.nz be relocated under each pivot to give an accurate picture. Focussing also on herd fertility has brought further gains. Put simply, the more calves produced, the larger the pool to select high performing genetics from. “It gives our farmers a lot more options when culling low-performing cows.” Mick began working as a Farm Manager for Dairy Holdings in 2006 and he also share milks a property within the network. “Because we are such a large group, our operators have a competitive culture within a cluster who may be geographically close to each other, but the overall culture within the group is one of support and striving for continual improvement across all the farms. Having a prescriptive consistent approach to how all our farms operate gives us the tools to get the best possible production and environmental gain from every farm.” www.ruraltransport.co.nz Ashburton (03) 308 4079 Waimate (03) 689 6100 Kurow (03) 436 0849 Fairlie (03) 685 8911 T R A N S P O R T L T D • Stock Cartage • General Freight • Fertiliser Spreading •Bulk Cartage • Hiab Hire • Cool Storage Earthmoving andGeneral Contracting For all of your farmdevelopment &maintenance needs Contact Ben or James on 027 228 0584 Proud to support DairyHoldings Ltd