| 69 nzdairy DAIRY SERVICES » DairyTech South fleet of 20 – the rise and rise of DairyTech South DairyTech South has cemented a strong place in the market, supplying milking parlour testing and repair work and carrying a substantial range of related products. Boost productivity, improve herd health, reduce somatic cell count and do it all with less labour input! If you’re struggling to get extra hands on the farm, one way to reduce the pressure is to turn to automated systems that will reduce your workload. WETIT teat sprayers can make preventing mastitis much easier. m My WETIT automated teat sprayer saves me 30 minutes a milking. I [OV\NO[ UV[OPUN ^V\SK IL HZ LɉJPLU[ HZ TL HUK JLSS JV\U[ ^V\SK YPZL I\[ P[ OHZ Z[H`LK SV^ 5L]LY SVVRLK IHJR – Dayne Addison, Waikato Hard to ÄUK Z[HMM& 9LK\JL ^VYR PU [OL TPSRPUN ZOLK with automated [LH[ ZWYH`LYZ WETIT teat sprayers are a market-leading, tried and trusted product suitable for installation “in race” or in addition to your rotary shed. Call us today on 0800 4 WETIT HUK ÄUK V\[ OV^ H >,;0; Z`Z[LT WH`Z for itself in just six months! 0800 856 544 | info@wetit.co.nz | www.wetit.co.nz CALL US FOR MORE INFO!