NZ Dairy Spring 2022

114 | nzdairy DAIRY SERVICES » Cowley Electrical Dairy & Pumps Diversi cation important for business • from page 113 New shed built for Taurima Farms Ltd on the Taieri in 2021. Electrical, engineering and pumps all done by Cowley Electrical Dairy & Pumps. It also made the directors realise how important diversi cation was to take the business forward. “We are de nitely picking up more and more work as we go along.” This year sees a number of large projects being undertaken by the company, including the construction of a design-and-build 90 bail rotary dairy shed near Clinton, one of the largest sheds CEDP has undertaken. While the level of the dairy farm-gate pay out does make a difference, the business has been built to the point where it has a strong service, maintenance, repair and upgrade base to stabilise it in the during economic uncertainty. The con dence placed in CEDP by its clients runs from dairy farms to larger dairy and meat processors, for some of which the company has an on-site presence, through to small businesses. Because the operations of many of these businesses are time critical, CEDP offers a 24/7 call out service. better together Proudly supporting: Pumps for Stock-water, Washdown, Vat Wash, Chiller Feed, Ef uent Transfer, Pump Protection and Control, VFD’s, Pressure Tanks & Solar Pumps Quality Products | Quality Service