| 115 nzdairy DAIRY SERVICES » FORSI Innovations Wastewater recycled using Kiwi know-how Sue Russell A small family-based company in Matamata has showcased its ability in the overseas market to effectively recycle ef uent. FORSI Innovations’ owner Terry Hawes and his sons Darren and Craig, entered the water and wastewater ltration industry in 2010, after branching from their parent company AG-WORX (J.S Jobe Ltd). In 12 years, FORSI has moved beyond iron, manganese and ef uent, to installing water recycling systems in orchards, wineries, laundromats and car washes. A dairy consultant, who assists with major dairy projects around the world, was looking for a specialised company to deal with the dairy ef uent in a University on the outskirts of Hong Kong. After learning about FORSI’s unique and custombuilt ef uent systems in place throughout New Zealand, the consultant approached FORSI’s Sales Rep Derek Piper and told him about the project. This would be FORSI’s break into the overseas market. The FORSI ef uent recycling system is broken up into three end products – clean ltered water, dry matter and a concentrated liquid – just what was required in Hong Kong. This resulting trifecta creates a sustainable system with very little waste. The clean ltered water can be reused to wash down yards or stored to spread on pastures during dry seasons, the dry matter can be composted and the nutrient rich concentrate can be spread on pasture at a low rate where it can soak into the soil and won’t contaminate water ways. The system would meet the needs of 75 head of stock and lter an estimated 5000 litres a day (600 litres an hour). “The ow rate was minimal compared to what other FORSI systems manage, which are around 10,000 litres an hour,” says Derek. Filtration buildings at the far end with adult cow barn to the right. Managing a lower ow rate was one of the many challenges as part of the Hong Kong project, which gave the FORSI team many opportunities to think outside the box. To have cows on site, the university was required to lter the ef uent to drinking water standards before being released into the wastewater network, with 32% dry matter. The space the FORSI system was to be housed in hadn’t been built – so the team could only work from schematics and trust the space wouldn’t change during construction. Every inch of the workable space would be used for not one, but two identical systems. “Having two systems was a requirement to act as a failsafe. The systems could work independently or at the same time.” They also needed to know what the cows were eating, how often the yards were being washed down and the elements already in the water. All this information provided the basis for how the water recycling system would manage the requirements for the solid matter. Design and construction of the two systems took over two years to complete. Despite two COVID-19 lockdowns and other projects on the go, the system left the Matamata based workshop and ew out to Hong Kong by deadline with Derek and ltration engineer Kevin Bayly following closely behind to oversee the successful two-week installation. The system is completely automated from New Zealand, with an on-site consultant overseeing any necessary hands-on issues. “Alarms alert us to any problems, which through cameras, we can assess immediately. “All our systems have the latest cutting-edge technology. We never look back – we always improve on what we have done. We are using this system through the automated settings to try new things, without disrupting the process – it’s a cool learning opportunity for the team.” It’s this meeting of the minds that keeps Derek and the team coming back to work each day. “There’s a lot to be said for how the FORSI system works. I have been with the company for 17 years and I am incredibly proud of how far we have come and the different ways the FORSI system has been used. “Different industries are now coming to us and we are evolving with them. I am really motivated by what we are doing. We can branch out – there’s always new ways of doing things, new technology is always being developed. Since the success in Hong Kong, FORSI has been approached to install an ef uent recycling system for another overseas client, at the other end of the spectrum with extremely high ow rates. “This project has 3000 head of cattle. But there’s nothing we haven’t been able to put our hand to – so watch this space.” The FORSI Effluent recycling system being built at the company’s Matamata base before the system was crated up and flown to Hong Kong. The completed installation of the effluent recycling system. 14 Waihou Street, Matamata 3400 07 880 9479 sales@forsi.co.nz www.forsi.co.nz • Iron, Manganese, Arsenic, Turbidity removal • pH correction • Solids seperation • Waste water recycling • Water clarification systems • Car wash recycling systems • Effluent recycling systems • Irrigation filtration Quality water is important FORSI are specialists in customised treatment We offer customised solutions for the removal of: www.cpcontrols.com CP Controls are proud to support Forsi Innovations