Keeping costs low & improving soils with CIA ‘Pumping Poo’ and repurposing it, while not your most glamorous rural activity is nevertheless what Irish import Thomas O’Kee e has perfected and in so doing, delivers extraordinary bene its to his dairy clients. Tom supplies e luent pond clearing and slurry spreading services across a wide geography, from Timaru through to Rangiora, to the hills and out to the coast of central Canterbury. His clients have come to depend on his skills, understanding the direct bene its that from engaging his services “I o er the perfect solution to an ongoing and unavoidable waste output from dairy farming – e luent. Instead of seeing it as a necessary evil, through the correct application that same waste product can be transformed into fertilizer gold,” Tom explains. Traditional slurry spreading, where e luent is spread on the surface of paddocks becomes an environmental hazard when the rain comes given its susceptibility to runo , in turn threatening contamination of waterways. When left on the surface, e luent clogs up the topsoil, preventing it from breathing and activating the natural enzymes that feed the soil. Surface slurry also releases harmful gases into the air and smells. So, to avoid this and bring slurry’s powerful fertilising capability down to where it can perform underground soil nourishment miracles, Thomas has invested in a slurry injecting machine, the Veen Huis Rotomax, imported from Holland in 2015; one of only two in New Zealand. “It’s an amazing technology and comes with the Veen Huis Quantra Pump unit that can hold up to 11,000 litres of e luent. Then the Premium-ject 1200 injector with its 60 individual discs, drills down into the soil directly delivering the e luent where it can do the most good.” What’s so great about this system is the sheer volume of e luent that can be moved from storage pond into the ground, upward of 200,000 litres of slurry an hour. “And what’s so cool about this operation is that the premium ject and pump ‘talk’ to each other through radio signals, so the process happens in the most e icient way possible in terms of time on the job.” The proof of how powerful this slurry management is is in the quality and yield of the pasture produced when soil has been injected with all the good nutrients e luent contains. “I just think it’s a fantastic solution to an environmental negative. The gains in pasture quality and the impact that has on the cows that come along and eat it, makes the process a inancial positive.” Crops grown on paddocks where slurry has been injected are healthier and thicker bene itting the stock that eat them. Where there’s been the problem of soil compaction when slurry has been spread traditionally once Tom and his machines have worked their magic that same piece of land is rejuvenated and comes alive. “I’m really busy and it is just through word-of-mouth that business has grown, so that really says something doesn’t it?,” says Tom. Reducing fert costs, lessening the environmental footprint and reducing contamination of waterways, makes Central Injection Agri a ‘no-brainer’ choice for forward-thinking farmers. P R E C I S I ON C ON T RA C T I NG CENTRAL INJECTION AGRI PRECISION CONTRACTING Keeping costs low, Improving Soils, Reducing environmental impact Benefits of Slurry Injection with Central Injection Agri: ∙ Slurry injected into the ground increases nutrient availability in your soil ∙ Decrease pollution and reduces runoff to surrounding properties and waterways ∙ Quickens the turnaround between cow paddock rotation ∙ Make use of your liquid bi-product from your cattle “Green Gold” and inject it directly into the soil. ∙ Reduce fertiliser costs while lessening your environmental footprint and utilising full usage from your NP&K For more information contact Tom O’Keeffe 027 358 0711 , , l I j i i l I j i i: ∙ l i j i i i il ili i il ∙ ll i i i ∙ i i ∙ li i i l l i j i i l i il. ∙ ili il l i i l i ili i ll i i ’ . . .