| 3 nzdairy Sheep Milk » Spring Sheep Milk Dairy sheep becoming major export industry Kim Newth New Zealand’s dairy sheep industry is in a phase of fast-track growth, following the launch of a partnership earlier this year between the Government through its Sustainable Food and Fibre Futures Fund and New Zealand owned Spring Sheep Milk Co. The company is leading the new $19.94m ‘Scale Up’ programme to support the transition of sheep dairying through to an established primary industry that is expected to be worth more than $750m in annual export receipts by 2035. “The Scale Up programme is absolutely critical to setting the industry up for success over coming years, working right across the value chain from global market development to farming insights across New Zealand,” says Spring Sheep Milk Co. CEO Nick Hammond. With strong consumer demand for sheep milk globally, a key focus of the programme is to encourage more farmers to join Spring Sheep’s current portfolio of 16 farm suppliers. Scale Up is currently exploring options for further growth in Taranaki, where Spring Sheep Milk Co. is working closely with regional partners Parininihi ki Waitotara (PKW). Spring Sheep Milk Co. is jointly owned by New Zealand’s largest farming entity Pamu and SLC, an export-focussed sales and marketing company. This latest industry growth programme follows a successful six-year Primary Growth Partnership called Sheep Horizon Three, with Spring Sheep Milk Co. having played a key role in industry development to date. Spring Sheep Milk Co is currently the largest sheep milking operator in the southern hemisphere, milking over 15,000 sheep in the 2022/23 season. Sheep milk’s strong nutritional bene ts and environmental advantages are driving demand in the global market as consumer needs and preferences evolve. Sheep milk is naturally an A2-type milk and contains up to 60% more protein than goat and cow milk. It is also a complete protein source, containing all 10 essential amino acids. New Zealand dairy sheep farmers in this fastgrowing industry are pleased with their choice and how the future for NZ sheep milk is shaping up. “The feedback we’re getting from our suppliers in the group is that they are earning good returns at a per hectare level, and our exclusive Zealandia® breed is setting suppliers up for very healthy returns in the seasons ahead,” says Thomas Macdonald, COO of Spring Sheep Milk Co. “There are a number of bene ts to milking sheep. The reasons for converting are varied and depend on the individual farm, but some motivations include wanting to reduce the environmental impact on the land and to diversify income streams.” Spring Sheep Milk Co began developing its own unique sheep dairy breed in 2015. Zealandia® is now a fully registered New Zealand sheep dairy breed. “Through extensive measurements of over 35 traits annually, Zealandia® sheep have been selected to ensure genetic improvement in important dairy traits such as milk production, milk components, milkability and udder conformation, somatic cell count, structure soundness, worm resistance and methane output. The breed far outperforms other breeds when it comes to milk production; most of the Zealandia® sheep produce around 300 litres plus, with the highest over 700.” Spring Sheep Milk Co. is currently exporting to China, Malaysia, Vietnam and Taiwan, with new market expansion on the horizon. “In general, sheep milk is becoming more popular as consumers seek an alternative to cow milk that is still nutritious and tasty.” Sheep on Tauwhare Farm. Monavale Spring Sheep Farm