WE DELIVER SYSTEMS THAT WORK. And then we partner with you to make them work better. Agricom is proud to support Holdem Farm. Our products perform year in and year out. We expect them to because of the investment that went into their development. Naturally you expect them to because you depend on them. But in today’s economic environment, it’s not enough to plant and hope. At Agricom we work to replace hope with confidence. We do this through the expertise and commitment of our people, who work with you to integrate our products into your system for maximum gain. Contact 0800 183 358 or visit agricom.co.nz Our people through their knowledge and expertise, ensure you optimise those tools. That sets us apart. Ecotain® the only proven environmental plantain. Nitrogen is an essential nutrient for forage plants; it is only when this nutrient travels through the soil profile and is lost from the farm system to the environment that it becomes a problem. Ecotain® environmental plantain is the only plantain variety proven to reduce nitrate leaching from the urine patch and it does so through four mechanisms that are independent of each other. Two of these mechanisms are currently recognised by Overseer and relate directly to the concentration of nitrogen from the grazing animal. The dilute mechanism works by increasing the volume of urine animals produce, which means when an animal consumes Ecotain the concentration of N in the urine is diluted, resulting in a reduced N load in the urine patch spread across a greater area. Animals consuming Ecotain partition less dietary N into the urine when compared to animals consuming ryegrass. This reduces the amount of N released into the soil via a urine patch and is known as the reduce mechanism. There are also two more mechanisms by which Ecotain environmental plantain reduces nitrate leaching which aren’t yet recognised by the scientific models; however, initial results are encouraging and research is continuing in these areas. These other two functions are known as delay and restrict, which influence urinary nitrogen's interaction with the soil. Including Ecotain into your pasture mixes is a great step in the right direction to reduce Nitrate leaching on your property. Including 2-3 kg of Ecotain within a mix is all that it takes to establish a sward consisting of up to 30% Ecotain and at these levels, nitrate leaching is significantly reduced. Adding Ecotain into your pasture can also be done through broadcasting seed with your fertiliser, or undersowing along with a hybrid species such as Mohaka. Pure stands of Ecotain can be used as a crop in a similar way some farmers use chicory through the summer and Ecotain can also be sown with winter crops to provide ground cover post-grazing. Ecotain is a versatile forage and there are many benefits to introducing it into your system. To find out if Ecotain environmental plantain is right for your property, contact your local Agricom Territory Sales Manager.