NZ Dairy Spring 2022

6 | nzdairy Each season before lambing, the ewes and hoggets are run through and fed in the shed. Sheep milking has drawn attention from over the fence with one of Scott’s friends starting sheep milking this season. (Right) Scott Kirkham on the job. • from page 4 An advantage of being an early mover in the industry is the potential to sell surplus ewes to new suppliers at a favourable price as well as improving milk production from genetic gains and by better understanding the farming system, Scott says. “Each year that genetic gain or merit is compounding and you are realising that gain in milk production and other animal traits.” Last season the ewes averaged just over 300 litres per ewe while this season Scott is hoping for 330 litres. “With all the trials and data and monitoring that Spring Sheep has done, it’s pretty evident that they’re getting year-on-year production growth out of these ewes.” Milking through the farm’s 42-a-side herringbone rapid exit shed is fast paced, with 600 sheep able to be milked per hour. Each season before lambing, the ewes and hoggets are run through and fed in the shed to get them used to the regime, as well as giving them grain and minerals and to check for mastitis or any other health issues. As far as pro t per hectare is concerned, with establishment costs and rising feed and other costs, Scott expects the this season’s margin between the farm working expenses and the farmgate payout to be quite tight compared to the previous season. “If you’re getting $14.60 per kilo of milk solids and your costs are potentially going to be above $10 this season, it’s starting to get squeezed a bit.” However the farm’s move to sheep milking has drawn attention from over the fence with one of Scott’s friends starting sheep milking this season and another contemplating it for next season. “For our block it’s just a perfect area to have sheep, it’s going to be less of an environmental impact and for succession and diversi cation it’s a bit of a no-brainer.” “If you’re getting $14.60 per kilo of milk solids and your costs are potentially going to be above $10 this season, it’s starting to get squeezed a bit.” Sheep Milk » Scott Kirkham 027 351 2916 | |