62 | nzdairy Global recognition of deer WORLD DAIRY INNOVATION AWARDS » Landcorp Farming NZ – Pamu way to test that than to enter a prestigious global award. There are also many bene ts from going through the process, the biggest is that you re ect on the product development journey. It’s a really good reminder to see how far you have come. “From a business perspective, Pamu is also wanting to build awareness of the product and gain global recognition of deer milk. It remains a very new product and new innovation. Any recognition we can get on the global stage is hugely bene cial. It also gives us the chance to communicate some of the bene ts of the product, and build demand. From a New Zealand perspective, Kiwis have the reputation for innovation in the dairy space and being able to continue to play a role in that is great from a New Zealand Inc. perspective.” Pamu’s win in the best Dairy Ingredient category was based on the business’s pure deer milk product that is 100% whole milk powder. • from page 60 The judges noted the differentiation and sheer innovation, which has gone into producing a world rst product. “There were other sheep and bovine products in the category – and, interestingly, there were some non-dairy/plant based ingredients – but there’s no one else outside of New Zealand doing what we’re doing on a commercial scale.” Pamu Deer Milk is sourced through a partnership with Peter and Sharon McIntyre, who run a deer farm near Gore, and now through the company’s own farm on Aratiatia, near Taupo. “The McIntyres have been farming deer for generations and have around 150 -200 milking hinds there,” says Hamish. “We’re now heading into our sixth season in that partnership, so that operation is well established. We’ve completed our second season in Aratiatia, running similar numbers of hinds through that operation. Production on both farms averages 10,000 litres during the season which can go from December through to March. The deer are milked once a day on a daily basis.” Mason Jones – deer milk specialist on the Aratiatia unit. Pamu Farms PROUDLY SUPPORTING Providing seeds and systems to produce some of New Zealand’s finest products. For more information visit pggwrightsonseeds.com or freephone 0800 805 505 PGG Wrightson Seeds is proud to support Pamu Farms, in what has been a partnership that extends over a number of years. The provision of the latest products, technologies and services including logistics across New Zealand has been key to this partnership. Our technical experts work alongside the Pamu Agronomy Team to provide agronomy solutions and systems to meet their current and future objectives. This not only includes productivity goals, but goals that align with future environmental expectations of Pamu. Closely aligned goals and communication ensures early adoption of the latest genetics and technologies from PGG Wrightson Seeds, who annually invests $18 million into research and development. The use of tetraploid ryegrasses, chicory and plantain alongside the latest genetics in white and red clover are an example of this early adoption. Tetraploids are recognised as a higher feed quality than diploids, with options available in every category of ryegrass from annuals through to perennials. A number of Pamu farms use these products, including annual/Italian ryegrasses such as Winter Star II/Feast II/Lush, through to Base perennial ryegrass. They have lower tiller density relative to diploid types that help the expression of clovers and herbs in the sward; a bene t Pamu captures by ensuring a high proportion of these are within their mixes. To assist with seed establishment on all properties, excluding the organic farms, seed treatment is used to protect seedling establishment as well as the use of AR37 and AR1 endophytes to help protect grass from insect pests. Forage brassicas play an important role on a number of Pamu farms, but as a conscious effort to reduce their winter crop footprint they use the latest technologies and management techniques to achieve crop potential for the areas that are sown. The Cleancrop™ Brassica System is used on multiple properties for this reason, combining some of the very best forage brassica options available with Telar® herbicide. This can be applied pre-emerge to control weeds that can otherwise be dif cult to eliminate. The advantage of the Cleancrop™ Brassica System is that it can be used in both direct drilled and cultivated ground situations. Pamu farms have adopted the newly developed Ultrastrike® pelleted swede seed technology to precision sow Cleancrop™ Hawkestone swede variety. Seed is precision sown to optimise both plant numbers and spacing, with strategically placed fertiliser alongside the seed at sowing to increase the ef ciency of nutrient applied and optimise plant numbers to help achieve crop yield potential. These examples of combining products and technologies and integrating into Pamu farm systems has been key to successful farm outcomes. 0275222889