| 63 nzdairy milk a focus for Pamu WORLD DAIRY INNOVATION AWARDS » Landcorp Farming NZ – Pamu The milk is transported to Food Innovation in the Waikato, where Pamu is part owners of the spray dryer. The powder is sold into multiple channels, including Pamu’s food service business, and some going into personal care/cosmetics. “We have also developed a world rst deer milk nutritional supplement range called Doe Nutrition containing Pamu Deer Milk which offers a range of nutritional bene ts, that we’re currently selling in Vietnam and China. One of the products is called Beauty, which received highly commended in the Functional Category at the awards.” While deer milk is already recognised as being highly nutritional, Pamu has partnered with High-Value Nutrition National Science Challenge to undertake the world’s rst clinical trial on deer milk. “We want to demonstrate and generate new evidence regarding the ability for deer milk to improve nutritional status, physical function and agility. That’s where we see huge potential for deer milk and where it can make a positive difference in the nutritional status of those aged sixty- ve and above. The clinical studies are about understanding how the nutritional pro les translate into better nutritional outcomes for people. “We don’t get a lot of milk from a deer, but what we do get is extremely high in concentration and nutrition. So for those who might not be able or want to consume large amounts of liquid, deer milk could be a really amazing and natural alternative. Deer milk will always be an expensive product, so it needs to solve an important consumer need. Massey University has been contracted by High Value Nutrition to carry out the clinical trials, which have now been completed and the report is now being written up with the ndings. We will know move in November.” With about 10% of the national herd, Pamu is New Zealand’s largest deer farmer and therefore has a lot of deer to choose genetics from. Dollar fordollar. FROM S EPT EMBER TO DECEMBER 2022 S I LVER F ERN FARMS WI L L MATCH THE VALUE OF AL L L I VE S TOCK DONAT I ONS TO MEAT THE NE ED , DOL LAR FOR DOL LAR . ANY DONAT I ON , LARGE OR SMAL L , CAN MAKE A D I F F ERENCE TO K IWI S I N NE ED . 1 COW CAN SUPP L Y RED MEAT TO A LOCAL FOODBANK FOR 1 YEAR . S I LVER F ERN FARMS I S PROUD TO PARTNER WI TH MEAT THE NE ED TO TO SUPPORT NEW ZEALANDERS I N NE ED WI TH H I GH - QUAL I TY , NUTR I T I ONAL PROT E I N FOR MORE I NFORMAT I ON OR TO MAKE A DONAT I ON TALK TO YOUR S I LVER F ERN FARMS L I VE S TOCK REPRE S ENTAT I VE OR V I S I T WWW.MEATTHENE ED . ORG Covering Te Anau Basin & Southland CONTRACTING CO LIMITED • Mobile Gravel Screening + Crushing • Dairy Conversions, Farm Drainage, Lanes • Effluent & Muck Spreading • Grading, Rolling, Root Raking, Post Driving, Dozing • House Sites, Drainage, Driveways, Lawn Preperation & Sowing • Decorative Gravels, Screened Topsoil, Compost & Barkchip Supplies • Complete Silage Service (Windrower for Wholecrop Silage) • Complete Agriculture Cultivation Including Direct Drill For all general contracting requirements call us for competitive prices + free quotes AARON 027 656 3398 MARK 021 227 3762 TEL 03 249 7660 A/H 03 249 9129 EMAIL carran.scott@xtra.co.nz AGRICULTURAL CONTRACTORS Miers Contractors(1995) Ltd • Harvesting • Cultivation • Supplements for sale & supply • Undersowing (all pastures & crops) • Earth moving • Truck cartage • Balage & Hay • Effluent Management 198 Butcher Road, RD2, Reporoa P 07 333 8259 | Gordy 021 593 163 | Mark 021 948 472 E mierscontractors@farmside.co.nz “In the rst year or two, you’re trying to work out what other genetic markers you need to select for that will result in a high yielding hind. We’re in the process of narrowing in on that and being able to identify deer within our commercial herd. It’s about building the selection framework.” Looking to the future, Hamish says fty years ago farming for venison on a commercial scale was non-existent, and now it’s around $250 million each year in export earnings. “And similar with sheep milk in terms of its rise over the last few years. With deer milk there’s huge potential. We’re interested in building resilience into deer farming and if milk can form another revenue source for deer farmers, who are currently faced with a number of headwind challenges, then that’s great not only for Pamu but the wider industry. We have a real role to play, passing on our learnings and insights.” Blue Grass enjoys working with Simon of Landcorp Farming NZ Excellence in Agriculture Brook 027 471 9765 | www.bluegrasscontracting.co.nz