94 | nzdairy Yashili expands capacity, product range Sue Russell For David Song, Managing Director of Yashili NZ, one of the best things about looking back over his past ve years at the helm of the Pokenobased dairy factory, is to realise the signi cant gains the company has achieved, following a clearly thought through strategic path. David is a great believer in gathering the very best team, all with a passion to see the business ourish, doing all the important due-diligence to ground future visions and goals. It is this approach that has been pivotal to Yashili NZ’s success to date. “We have laid a solid foundation to build on from our initial product offering, supplying high-nutrition content infant formula powder for the Chinese market. Since this time, a decline in birth rates in China has caused Yashili to review its product offering and focus wider than the infant formula market.” David’s professional background, working across diverse cultural environments around the world, has prepared him well for the very multi-cultural team that drives Yashili’s strategic pathway and production capability. When the winds of change blew David and the team took stock and addressed the possible risks of ‘doing nothing and continuing with what the plant was manufacturing’ or to realise opportunities that existed. “Our mindset at this time was very much about choosing the best options to make the most of our world-class plant and processing technologies. We knew that among those opportunities was focussing on the economic and social bene ts to our local community. In a ‘full-circle’ sense, to move forward and best embrace the opportunities new markets would present meant in fact taking a step back to focus on the foundations of the business. This, David says, was integral to ensuring the future-driven decisions Yashili’s state-of-the-art facility in Pokeno. DAIRY MANUFACTURING » Yashili NZ Dairy Co • to page 96 Member Electrical Contractors Association of NZ MASTER ELECTRICIANS Proud to support Yashili New Zealand daltonelectrical.co.nz | 09 276 2512 | Servicing Auckland-wide SDX® Spray DryNozzles ® WHERE WE LEAD, OTHERS FOLLOW! Delavan Limited, a Beckett Corporation company Delevan’s SDX range of nozzles with the “original” single inlet swirl chamber produces a hollow cone spray pattern with a uniform droplet distribution. With 10 sizes of swirl chambers and over 220 orifice sizes, the ability to fine tune the flow rate and spray angle is almost limitless.