NZ Dairy Spring 2024

| 11 nzdairy Unlike conventional scrapers, this robotic system vacuums manure. DAIRY PEOPLE » Bruce Dinnington The impact of these technologies on the farm’s operations has been profound. The robotic milking system, for instance, allows the farm’s 350 Friesian cows to be milked on their own schedule. “They’re milking three times a day, which takes the pressure off the udder,” Bruce explains. “The feed in the robots is production-based. My big milking cows get the actual supplements they need to keep them going. With our old rotary system, we couldn’t tailor feed to individual cows. Our high producers weren’t getting the nutrition they needed, which made it challenging for them to maintain condition and conceive. Now, with the robotic system, we can precisely meet each cow’s needs. The big milkers are thriving - they’re getting the right nutrition, and the stress-free environment has made them noticeably more content. It’s a win-win for cow health and productivity.” The Dinnington farm has always aimed to be at the forefront of agricultural innovation and continues a family tradition of embracing new technologies that dates back to 1947 when Bruce’s grandfather first established the farm. Bruce sees the farm as a testament to the potential of these technologies but remains surprised by the slow uptake of the technology in New Zealand. “It baffles me why this hasn’t taken off here,” he says. “Robotic milking is becoming very popular overseas and there have been huge advancements in the technology. If you put in a top-line rotary, a robotic system is not that much more expensive, and the return is much greater. It’s about a 10-15% production increase in the first year alone and the reduction of one to two labour units depending on the size of the farm. Lely estimates the Juno alone could save farmers up to 180 hours an year so for me robotic farming is a no-brainer.” “With our old rotary system, we couldn’t tailor feed to individual cows. Our high producers weren’t getting the nutrition they needed, which made it challenging for them to maintain condition and conceive.” Now available in New Zealand! With the Discovery Collector, daily hosing or f--" 5 1& !-3*" be a thing of the past! A perfect fit for sheds and barns The Discovery Collector navigates independently using built-in sensors. You can program your preferred route and set your schedule around peak & off-peak traffic times. How easy would it be for you to schedule the Discovery Collector around your milking times? Interested? Scan the QR-code and learn more. Bright farming is yours by choice Scan me: Proud to support Bruce Dinnington Contact the team at Rogers 84 Leet street, Invercargill – 032189584