| 19 nzdairy Last season’s production was a whisker short of 120,000 kilograms of milk solids. DAIRY PEOPLE » Fabco Enterprises “Seeing we have only been doing it four or five years we are noticing it more in the last year; this year [milk] production’s improving, we are seeing the benefits come through more fully now.” quicker in the springtime and hang on in the summer, not that we are too summer dry.” “Seeing we have only been doing it four or five years we are noticing it more in the last year; this year [milk] production’s improving, we are seeing the benefits come through more fully now.” The farm is supported by a leased run-off of 36 hectares, about seven kilometres away, that Steve looks after. This grazes young stock and grows grass for silage and hay along with wintering cows which is a great asset for preserving the soils and grass on the dairy platform as well as for maximising the growth of the young stock. “It’s a fairly big part of the farm as well. It makes a huge difference.” Last season’s production was a whisker short of 120,000 kilograms of milk solids which is not the historical highest, but sits well with the longer term average. Steve estimates the cows are currently producing about 80% of their body weight in milk solids. Like most farmers, Steve, Tyrone and Karyn are always looking to achieve gains and make improvements across the farm’s operation. During the past year, lameness and calving rates has been a focus with the support of funding from a combined Fonterra and Nestlé that aims to help improve production with sustainability and a reduction of on-farm emissions as the end goal. In addition to having a veterinarian consult on the prevention of lameness, reducing the calving period is being achieved. “In the last four or five years we’ve been trying to do a lot of work on that to get that down.” This year’s calving was over 11 weeks compared to 13 to 14 weeks three to four years ago. “We are improving cow fertility and hopefully doing the right thing, so we are looking at getting down towards calving maybe 300 cows and putting less two year-olds in [the milking herd] so we can cut our costs that way, in grazing and culling cows that are empty.” Having faced high costs over the past 18 months, Steve is hopeful of some relief which could include a reduction in interest rates. With having sharemilkers, Steve and Faye are able to enjoy a good lifestyle that includes off-farm activities such as e-biking and time with friends and family, while still keeping an active interest in the farm, which for Steve is something of a hobby. “We are incredibly fortunate to have amazing sharemilkers whom we have complete trust in which enables us to have the lifestyle we have worked towards.” www.energyvets.co.nz enquiries@energyvets.co.nz ENERGY VETS TARANAKI LTD Inglewood Clinic (06) 756 7228 Waitara Clinic (06) 754 8791 Email: wbusbycontracting@gmail.com · Digger mounted Tree Shears 39 Cutfield St, Inglewood 94 Broadway, Stratford 0800 662 6455 www.moamilking.co.nz Proud to support Fabco Enterprises SEE US FOR: • Effluent • Cooling • In Shed Feed • Milking Systems • Water Reticulation