| 31 nzdairy Hitting the sweet spot on production STgenetics markets bulls on behalf of Matriarch Genetics’ bull breeders. Kim Newth Honing a family farm property at Aria in the King Country over the past 14 years has proved a fulfilling experience for dairy farmers Catherine and Shaun Terry and their three children, Mia, 10, Pipe, 12 and Liam, 14. Catherine grew up on a sheep and beef farm and trained as a vet nurse before deciding to go dairying in 2004. Shaun, who originally trained as a fiberglass engineer, decided to give dairying a go in 2006. “Dairying has provided a great upbringing for our children,” observes Catherine. “They love riding motorbikes and have great stock sense.” Shaun and Catherine lease a total of 400-hectares, with 120ha serving as the dairy platform milking 330 crossbred cows and the remaining land used as a support block for beef. They run a System 4 operation, with a feedpad and in-shed feeding. They grow their own maize, (around 300 tonnes a year). “In the last four years, we have increased milk solids per cow from 380 to 510, mostly down to genetics and better feeding; the last two ‘kind’ summers have helped also,” says Catherine. “Once a day milking is used from the summer months, varying between January and March.” Maintaining good animal health is a top priority. Catherine says CowManager tags are a great tool that enable early detection of any potential health issues, such as milk fever. These tags have also proven an asset in the reproductive space. “We started doing embryo work with Ovaachievers and ABS in 2018 to increase the female lines. Our herd is now in the top two per cent in the country for BW and PW. I’m very lucky that my job is my passion.” They still have a lot of contract matings with LIC and CRV and work closely with both companies. The couple rear and finish their own beef cattle as well as buying some in. They are very selective with the beef bulls they use, selecting Charolais with low birth weights. As founding members of Matriarch Genetics Ltd, Catherine and Shaun are also pleased to be part of a breeding company that’s targeting accelerated genetic gain and diversity. “When Matriarch Genetics started, it just made sense for us to get involved. It gives farmers more options and means we have more access to the country’s top herds and genetics directly – so why not?” STgenetics markets bulls on behalf of Matriarch Genetics’ bull breeders. S&C Terry – ‘SECRETERRY’ have several strong crossbred sires in the STgenetics 2024 Dairy Specialist Catalogue, including full brothers - Anchor (522XD01871) and Admirer (522XD01872) - and Trump (522XC01873). “They’re from amazing production families that we really rate. It would be a shame to not utilise those genetics.” DAIRY PEOPLE » Matriarch Genetics - Shaun and Catherine Terry The couple share a passion for learning and trying new things. “With the farm ticking over nicely, it was time for a new challenge – something completely different and a real change,” says Shaun, who is taking up the reins of a newly purchased business, C&M Civil Earthworks, based out of Ohaupo. “I’m looking forward to working all around the Waikato, while still overseeing the 400 hectares.” Providing their day to day farm management is Andreas Pardo, originally from Chile, who has been with them for the past six years.