| 33 nzdairy “Farming has so many inputs now and it doesn’t always make sense. It might make you more milk but does it make you more money. It wasn’t sustainable what we were doing, and it wasn’t fun. We needed a change.” farming The farm, owned by the Quirke Family Trust, has proven to be everything the Bells were looking for. DAIRY PEOPLE » Matthew and Samantha Bell Now I’m in the shed by myself, chucking the tunes on and cruising with the girls. I also know my cows really well and know when something’s wrong.” The relationship with their farm owners, the Quirke Family Trust, has been crucial to this transition. Pam Quirke, who lives on the farm, has been supportive of their approach. “Pam also agrees farming is not just about making more money and we have good open conversations. She always asks how we are doing first, she really does care and believes in the social and environmental pillars of farming,” Matthew says. Samantha, who handles the calf rearing and bookwork, has found the new arrangement allows for a better work-life balance. Their son Blake, 7, is thriving in the farm environment, often helping out during calving and joining his father for hunting expeditions. “We would still love to own a farm, but it wont define who we are if we don’t get there. We are now focused on enjoying the farming journey and if we get to farm ownership, awesome. We are incredibly lucky and grateful to work for the Quirke family and they have played a massive part in re-kindling our love for dairying. I said to Pam, not long after we got here ‘you might have to drag me out of here in a coffin’.” 24 hour service PUMPING SPECIALISTS • House & Garden / Farm & Lifestyle / Industrial • Filtration Design & Installation - Farm & Lifestyle • Water Filter & UV Systems • Deepwell Lifting / 4WD Vehicles • Water bores/ Submersible pumps • FREE Domestic Loan Water Pump Available • Water Pump Sales / Service & Installation • Water Reticulation Design & Installation • P.E.S. Trenching Services - Pipeline & Cable • Pool Pumps & Filters / Bioguard Pool Care PUMP & ELECTRICAL SERVICES sales@pesltd.co.nz www.pumpandelectrical.co.nz 25 Lincoln St, Hamilton Ph 07 846 0678 Hamilton Ph 07 828 7552 Huntly 12 Main Street, Huntly Silage • Under Sowing • Hay • Cultivation 0223004975 Mow 'N' GrowContracting LTD Servicing Te Akau, Raglan, Te Uku& surrounding areas Whatawhata & Gordonton 07 210 4562 Proud to partner with Farmers like Matthew Bell to achieve great results. Rob 027 962 0021 Nathan 027 473 7961 callanderspreading@gmail.com SPREADMARK ACCREDITED FERTILISERS • LIME SEMI-SOLID EFFLUENT