NZ Dairy Spring 2024

50 | nzdairy An acute sense of pride and validation Of its 12 farms, WMI entered just Farm 4, as representative of its farming operations. Richard Loader Being awarded the highly prestigious Ahuwhenua Trophy for the top Maori dairy farm in 2024 delivered Waikato’s Wairarapa Moana ki Pouakani Incorporation (WMI) with an acute sense of pride and validation, says its Group General Manager Anaru Smiler. “The Ahuwhenua Trophy is steeped in history and sets a standard of excellence that WMI strives to achieve. We want to be excellent in everything that we do.” Now 91 years old, the Ahuwhenua Trophy was inaugurated by the visionary Maori leader Sir Apirana Ngata and the Governor General at the time Lord Bledisloe, and was introduced to encourage skill and proficiency in Maori farming. The competition is held annually, alternating each year between Dairy, Sheep & Beef, and Horticulture. Located in Mangakino, WMI consists of 12 dairy units across 4,300ha, plus three dairy support units comprising 1,900ha and two forestry blocks totalling 6,100ha. WMI produces about five million kilograms of milk solids from its 12,000-cow herd and is the largest supplier to milk processor Miraka Ltd, and a cornerstone foundation shareholder. Of its 12 farms, WMI entered just Farm 4, as representative of its farming operations. The property has a milking platform of 300ha, milking 980 cows and producing 416,000 kgMS. The farm operates within the top 5% of the industry benchmarks and operates a high care, high efficiency model where its environmental footprint has reduced by 30%. Effectively, WMI has been able to significantly reduce its nitrogen inputs, whilst still achieving the highest profitability amongst all of its farms. DAIRY PEOPLE » Wairarapa Moana Incorporation Mainland would like to congratulate Wairarapa Moana Inc for winning the Ahuwhenua Trophy for Excellence in Maori Farming • to page 52 Bluegrass Contracting is proud to support Wairarapa Moana Incorporation Bevan 027 471 9022